Page 121 of Dangerous as Sin

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“What?” Tiera answered the call.

“Call me when you get to your mom’s place.”


“If you don’t, I’ll go there to check on you.”

Damn it. “Okay.”

“I’ll be there to pick you up in the morning.”


“You’ve got to get clothes for work, right?”

“I can do that by myself.”

“If you plan to charge it to my card, you’ll do it with me. Plus, our company has a strict dress code policy. I don’t trust you to buy the proper attire.”

Tiera closed her eyes and prayed for patience.

“See you at ten am,” he told her. “Lock your car doors.”

With that said, he ended the call and drove off. Tiera locked her car doors. She’d planned to do it anyway. She hadn’t needed him to tell her that. On her drive home, her thoughts drifted to Caleb over a dozen times. Each time it did, she reprimanded herself for being weak. When she made it to her hotel room, she called her mom and told her she would be there in the morning.

“Are you staying the night with someone?” her mom had asked.

“Mom, stop being nosey.”

“If you’ve got a guy you like, you need to bring him to meet us.”


“Okay. Okay. Be safe, dear.”

“I will.”

“By safe, I mean, use protection.”


By the time she made it to bed, she was too mentally drained to pull out her laptop to work on her latest steamy novel. Her dreams that night were filled with images of a guy she hated. She awoke sexually frustrated and mad at her body for betraying her in her dreams. After a quick shower, she dressed and drove to her mom’s house.

There was a note on the counter that read: We’re gone on our cruise. Get the key to Marie’s place from Caleb. Don’t forget to water the plants at both houses. And feed my fish, Earth, Wind, and Fire. Love you, dear. Be nice to Caleb while we’re away. And don’t forget to check on Vivian.

Tiera rolled her eyes. Be nice to Caleb? Her mom should’ve left a note telling Caleb to be nice to her. Tiera froze when the doorbell rang. She strode to the door and looked through the peephole. Speak of the devil.

“Open the door, Tiera.”

She moved away from the door. How had he known she’d been standing there? She peeped through the hole again and found him reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a key. Of course, her mother would trust him with a key to her house. Before he could put it in the lock, she unlocked the door and pulled it open.

“You’re early,” she told him, frowning.

“I just dropped our parents off at the port. Was everything all good here last night?”

“Of course.” Did her mom tell him she hadn’t stayed there?

“Hmm,” was all he said about that. “Are you ready to shop?”
