Page 127 of Dangerous as Sin

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Damn, she was beautiful. When she closed the door, his gaze returned to the computer screen. He’d just finish this email, then send a few files to Terrence, and then he’d leave. He continued typing. Ten minutes later, he paused. Fingers hovering over his keyboard, his gaze jerked to his office door.

Tiera had given in to his demand too quickly. Shit. He jumped from his seat and raced across the room. As he’d suspected, she was nowhere to be found. He stormed over to her desk and pulled open the bottom drawer. Her purse was gone. Damn it! He should’ve known her sweet reply had been a cover-up.

He pulled his phone out and called her. He’d thought having her with him at work meant he’d be able to watch over her during the daytime while his security team watched over her at night. That couldn’t happen if she rushed off without him at the end of each work day.

Why the hell wasn’t she answering the phone? He hung up and called again as he shut his computer down and gathered his things. He’d locked up and reached his car by the time she decided to answer the phone.

“What?” she yelled.

Relief washed over him at the sound of her voice. “I should fire your ass.”

“Please do so. I’m begging you.”

“I told you to wait.”

“Caleb, you’re not my boss after work hours.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m… at home.”

She was lying. Just as she’d lied and said she’d stayed at her mom’s last night. She was seeing someone. She had to be. He pushed that thought aside as he held his phone away from him to pull up the security app showing his mother’s property. It was positioned to show Mrs. Wright’s also. There was no car in his neighbor’s driveway. And the history showed no car pulling into the garage. Tiera was lying.

“Where are you really?” he asked. “Don’t lie to me.”

Who are you seeing? Where does he live?

“I’m at home. I’m getting ready to go into my mom’s house.”

Liar! “I’m on my way,” he told her.

“You don’t have to come. I’m already here. Wait. Hold on.”

“What is it? Tiera, what’s going on?” He fumbled with his keys as he tried to start his car. His tires squealed as he pulled out of his parking space. “Tiera,” he yelled.

“Actually, uh, Caleb…”

Her tone sent a cold chill slithering down his spine.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I think someone is following me.”

“Where are you, for real?”

“I’m about three blocks away at Wendland Suites.”

“You’re at a hotel?”

“Caleb, I’ve got to go.”

“No. Stay on the phone with me. Tiera, don’t hang up. Don’t hang up!”

It was too late. She’d hung up. Fuck! He sped down the street, heading for Wendland Suites. Praying he reached her before his enemy did.


