Page 142 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Let my twin focus on business. Don’t bother him with my failed escape.”

Vivian laughed. “Oh, my gosh, sis. You are too much. You and Caleb are a handful.”

Tiera chuckled. “Don’t let any of our shenanigans worry you. I will be fine. Caleb will be fine. Just focus on incubating our baby.” Tiera smiled, imagining how beautiful the new addition to their family would be. “I can’t wait to meet him or her. They’re going to be so spoiled.”

“Don’t you know it? We’ve already dedicated a wing of our house just for baby stuff.”

“Are you sure you won’t change your mind about revealing the sex?”

“I’m positive. We want it to be a surprise.” She could hear the smile in her sister-in-law’s tone. She and her brother had carefully planned out every detail of their baby’s birth, including using a midwife to deliver from home.

“I can’t wait to find out if I have a niece or nephew,” Tara gushed. Talking about the baby moved Vivian further away from the topic of ditching her security detail.

“Patience, sis. Patience.”

“I’m trying my best here.”

“Are you going back to the office tomorrow?” Vivian asked.

Guilt set in. She had given her word to babysit Caleb. Apparently, Vivian and Terrance needed her to see this assignment through. Caleb possibly needed her too. Against the voices in her head telling her no, she said, “I’ll go back, but Terrance needs to get back to the office ASAP.”

“Great! When you’re there, things run much smoother, so thanks for doing this.”

“Yeah, just pay me back by setting aside some auntie time on the baby's calendar.”

“Absolutely, sis. Done.”

Tiera awoke the next morning, put on her big girl panties, and stepped out of her room in tights and a t-shirt. She had left her work clothes at Caleb’s since she hadn’t intended to return.

“Good morning, Mrs. Wright. Are you heading to breakfast?”

“Good morning, Dimir. And since you’re going to follow me everywhere, please call me Tiera.”

“Okay, Tiera. Where are we headed?”

“I’m going into the office, but first, I need to go to Caleb’s to get some clothes.”

Dimir flashed the slightest smile. “Come with me.”

He walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. Before gesturing for her to come inside, he stepped onto the elevator first to check it out. All clear, he nodded for her to step inside.

Looking straight ahead with her arms folded, she said, “I apologize for running off yesterday. I didn’t mean to make your job harder.”

“I’m just glad you’re safe. After all, that’s what I’m here for. Once you realize we’re on the same team, we’ll both be better off.”

She didn’t ask him to get smart, but whatever. “I’ll be better off once all of this is over.”

“We’re going to get to the bottom of it,” he said confidently. “In the meantime, we must move as safely as possible.”

They walked to a black SUV and got inside. Caleb’s apartment was an hour away, so they set out for the long ride. Two more guards from Dimir’s team followed in another Black SUV. She figured Caleb had put two more guards on her because of her failed escape.

A long highway ride, a wreck and a detour later, they ended up on a winding backroad.

“Someone has separated us from our tail,” Dimir muttered.

She looked back and saw the gray sedan from the other day was following them. “That’s him!” she told Dimir.

The car jumped into the other lane and sped around Dimir. The driver stepped on the break, attempting to make Dimir wreck. He’d anticipated their move, spun out to the other lane, and went around them. The driver laid his foot on the gas and bumped the back of Dimir’s SUV.
