Page 143 of Dangerous as Sin

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She could hear one of the guard’s voices coming through Dimir’s earbud. “We don’t have a clear shot on the threat.”

Clear shot? Her heart sped up. She didn’t want to be caught in any gunplay crossfire. The car jumped into the other lane and passed Tiera and Dimir. The crazed driver sped down the desolate street at about a hundred miles an hour. Thank God, there were no other cars on the street. It would have been a disaster zone.

“Are you okay?” Dimir asked.

“No. They tried to run us off the road,” her voice cracked as she shuffled through her purse for her phone. She frantically ran her fingers through her contacts, looking for Caleb’s number.

He answered on the first ring. “Tiera?”

“Caleb, I think that bastard Stuart just tried to run us off the road.”

“Calm down, baby. Where are you now?”

“I don’t know.” She frantically looked around. “We had a detour, so we came a way I’m unfamiliar with, but I think we’re almost at your condo. GPS is saying we’re a few minutes away. So, we’re almost there.”

“Put Dimir on the phone.”

“You’re on speaker.”

“What’s going on, Dimir?” Caleb asked. “Why did you detour?”

Dimir continued watching his surroundings as he explained, “There was an accident on the highway and everyone had to detour. Stuart somehow ended up on our tail and attempted to run us off the road. When that was unsuccessful, he sped around us and vanished.”

“Is he gone now?”

“That’s the way it appears. The only two cars on this street are mine and my tail. We’re about to turn down the main street to your condo now.”

“Okay, call me back if anything goes wrong.”

“Will do.”

Minutes later, they arrived at Caleb’s condo. Dimir pulled in front of the building and looked around the lot. The second car pulled in behind them. Dimir got out of the car and went to open the door for Tiera.

“Watch out, Dimir!” one of his guards called out.

The sedan’s engine revved as it came down the street and launched in the direction of Dimir and Tiera as she exited the car. The vehicle sideswiped them as it ran into the two guards from the trailing car. Dimir and Tiera fell to the ground as well.

“Oh, shit!” Tiera said, scrambling to get to her feet.

Dimir had taken a harder hit than she had, so he lay on the ground, moving slowly.

A disheveled man flung his door open and hopped out. “I’ll teach that motherfucker to mess with me. You’re coming with me,” he snarled at Tiera.

Like hell. She slid her hand into her bag. She wanted her taser, but mace was the first thing her hand landed on. She sprayed him in the face as he lunged at her and grabbed her.

“Ouch, you fucking bitch!” Stuart screamed. However, he didn’t let go of his grip on her.

“Get your damn hands off of me!” she yelled.

She turned in a circle, trying to get out of his grasp. She couldn’t break free. The mace fell from her hands, and her bag fell onto the ground. Stuart wasn’t a big man, but he held her in a death grip with the strength of a crazy man.

“Get your hands off her,” the front door guard repeated, slowly approaching them with his gun drawn.

By that time, Caleb was rushing down the steps. “Stuart, if you want to handle this like a man, let her go and deal with me.”

“Why should I care about her?” He squeezed her tighter.

Stuart continued, “You didn’t care that my wife was hurt. You didn’t care that I lost everything, including custody of my kids.”
