Page 146 of Dangerous as Sin

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“We could have been together a long time ago, Caleb. I always knew who I wanted. I left this city because I couldn’t stand to be here while not being with you.”

She didn’t say she couldn’t stand seeing him with other women, but he knew she meant that too. If only she knew that the biggest part of his asshole persona came from his frustration of not having her.

He lifted his weight on his elbows and started scooting back on the bed.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m about to sit up.”

“Wait. Looks like you’re about to hurt yourself. Let me help you.”

She leaned in to give him her arm for support. With her face inches from his, he had other plans. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss. The moment his lips touched hers, he was officially in love. He’d kissed her before. He’d fallen into her web before. He’d felt consumed by her before. But this was the one. The kiss that sealed the deal for him. The kiss he shared with Tiera Wright, where all of his cards were laid on the table.

“Caleb,” she moaned against his lips.

“Tiera.” He said her name with his mouth still pressed against hers. Then, he reluctantly broke free from the kiss and maneuvered his way to a sitting position. “I have always known you were the one for me.”

“Then, why didn’t you ever fight for me? Even yesterday, you just left my hotel room once we started arguing. Why didn’t you stay and fight it out? You never do.”

“We weren’t arguing. You asked me to leave. And I was a little wounded when you kicked me out after sex. I had to check myself because I was feeling really emotional. And those feelings were new to me. I wanted to stay with you. I want us to work this out.”

She looked thoughtful. “Thanks for sharing that with me.”

He raised his blanket and showed her his stomach. “You don’t ever have to doubt if I’ll fight for you because when shit really matters, I’ll jump on a knife for you, baby.”

That made her smile. “I’m sorry you got hurt.”

Seriousness entered his tone. “I’d do it all over again for you, Tiera.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about yesterday. What we shared…it wasn’t research.”

He tried to laugh but had to clutch his stomach. “I know,” he murmured. “There is nothing to research about us. It’s already proven that when we’re together we’re explosive. The best.”

Her brown skin blushed. “I love you more than a friend or an honorary brother,” she said.

“I know. I love you too. That’s why I don’t want you to leave me again. Stay with me.”

Her voice trembled when she replied, “Forever.”

“Does that mean you’re not traveling as a nurse anymore?”

“I’m not.”

“Will you move into my condo with me?”

“I will.”

“Will you continue to work for me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Never.”

“Any chance you’ll tell me your pen name?”

She looked around to make sure no one had heard his question. She pressed her lips to his and whispered, “No one knows I’m a writer but you.”

“I can keep a secret.”

She whispered her pen name in his ear. Cara Fitzright.

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