Page 207 of Dangerous as Sin

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It could be Ciro’s parting warning. “Be careful.” It could be his paranoia’s rubbed off on me.

But I escaped an explosion because I listened to someone else’s instincts; a wise move would be to follow my own. I race around the next corner, duck inside a coffee shop, and order a drink, giving anyone who might be following me the shake before venturing back outside.

Riverview Casino is located seven city blocks from the office and overlooks the East River. Pop-up offices fill the parking lot, but, after checking in with a guard, I’m informed Tommaso can be found inside the enormous rock star–worthy recreational vehicle.

I knock and wait, the brutal summer heat amplified by the asphalt.

But it’s the man who answers the door who has me feeling faint.

What is he doing here?

The bartender from the exclusive club, who waited on my stranger and me that night.

We stare at each other—he recognizes me, too. He looks over my shoulder and around the parking lot, then invites me inside with a frown.

“You look ready to pass out. Sit, and I’ll get you a bottle of cold water.”

I take a seat behind the table of a cozy kitchen banquet.

He places a water before me, then occupies the seat across from me. “He’s not here.”

My eyes go wide. “Who?” Except, I know. Oh my God. This man can reconnect me with my stranger.

I ask the first question that enters my mind. “Is he okay?”

He tenses. “You know who the Beneventi are, right?”

“Their family owns the casino.” And, if Ciro is to be believed, the Beneventi are mafioso and the most powerful of the Five Families.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Tommaso mutters.

“Why? Is the envelope not ready? I can come back—”

“Envelope?” He looks confused.

“For C&C Enterprises.”

His eyebrows dip into a deep V.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper.

“You work for Ciro?”


His friendly disposition vanishes. “You in on it?”

“In on what? I don’t understand.”

Within the space of thirty seconds, he’s crossed the room, retrieved a thick envelope, shoved it into my arms, and ushered me out of the vehicle.

“Wait,” I shout, hoping he’ll give my stranger a message.

“Show up here again, and whether you’re a part of it or not, I’ll be forced into doing something I don’t want to do.”

Then, the door slams in my face.

