Page 314 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Smile and wave. Impress the people. Uphold the dignity of my position in this district.” Flapping my hand around like I’m impersonating the Pope, I mimic my dad’s terse instruction about how to act tonight. Hugh laughs at my antics, although his smirk dies when I add. “I’m calling dibs on the girl.”

Hugh punches me in the arm. “Bullshit, Alex. You can’t call dibs on a chick that fine. A beauty like her is the perfect prize for a bet. Name your price, arsehole… at least give me a sporting chance. It is the eve of a new year, after all.”

“She’s special.” From my slightly superior height, I sneer down at my only true friend. He’s as empty on the inside as I am, so he’s always keen to follow me headfirst into my latest morally corrupt scheme. “I have plans for her that don’t involve talking her into a quick fuck in the back of my truck before you can.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, he looks between Sander and me, then pauses his perusal to regard me with a puzzled expression. “What’s her connection to Sander?”

“She’s his twin, Lilianna.”

He uncrosses his arms and uses his hands to trace the shape of a curvy woman in the air. “Well, Miss Lilianna has certainly filled out since we left high school.”

“That she has,” I muse as I run my eyes over her tall, lush figure.

From the top of her honey-blonde hair to her big tits and further down to the hips that curve in perfect harmony with her chest, there isn’t a thing about Lilianna Mayberry that doesn’t scream fuck me now. I sink my teeth with vicious intent into my bottom lip. The pain is my cue to my monster to stop thinking with our dick and engage our actual brain. To pull this off, we need the blood in my big head, not the little one.

“Stay here and watch the master at work.”

With a smile gracing my face when he scoffs at my instruction, I turn to watch Lilianna stalking away from her brother. Her scowl of irritation and the defiance in her stride as she heads toward the restrooms tells me that my opening is finally here.

My approach is stealthy. I walk in measured steps that put us on a collision course. Lilianna’s studious examination of the ground beneath her feet, the intent glower creasing the smooth, tanned skin of her forehead, works in my favour. She doesn’t notice me until it’s too late.

Just like I planned.

When we hit, I ensure I take the brunt of the impact. I wrap my arms around her and yank her to the ground. With deliberate intent, I land on my back and pull her tight against me. Her warm breath rushes over my face. Minty air surrounds me, mixed with her unique smell. Floral with a hint of vanilla, I hold the delicate scent in my lungs.

Lilianna’s cheek rests on my chest, directly over my heart. I relish her touch for a second before I speak. “I am so sorry. I didn’t see you coming.”

My voice is smooth. My manner that of a country gentleman. Startled, bright-blue eyes look up at me, and I have to stop myself from picking her up and running away with her. The woman sprawled on top of me is a contradiction—body of a whore, face of a Madonna. She’s made for sin yet awakens a never before encountered protective instinct in me.

Innocence and iniquity in one delectable package.

Her bewitching gaze almost makes me feel bad for even thinking of using her as a pawn in my payback against her twin.

Losing my edge to the surprising reaction I’m having to her gives Lilianna the chance to escape me. She puts her hands on the ground on either side of my chest and tries to push back to her feet. My hands have a mind of their own, taking hold of her waist and pulling her back down on me. The feel of her breasts pillowing against my chest steals my breath. My fingertips are electrified where they make contact with the smooth, warm skin above the waistband of her jeans, sending lightning bolts of arousal down the base of my spine.

As I indulge in her closeness, I try to prolong our connection.

“Are you okay?” I inquire, widening my eyes to disarm her. “We hit pretty hard.”

Anxiety thumps in my chest when she wriggles in my grasp until I either have to let go of her or risk her making a scene that draws her family’s attention to us. Lilianna rolls off me with an elegant economy of movement that has my cock grazing his head against my zipper. Her generous tits heave when she takes a moment to catch her breath. My gaze refuses to leave them, and I’m thankful that she doesn’t notice my blatant ogling.

When she stands, Lilianna holds her hand out in a silent offer of help and answers my earlier question. “I’m fine. Are you all right?”

I take her smaller hand in mine, suppressing a shudder when the electricity shoots through me again. As I stand, I crowd her space to see how she’ll react. She takes a step back from me, putting a socially acceptable amount of space between us, her reaction proving that she’s exactly what I thought—a pure, untouched angel.

My ego dances when I see her dilated pupils.

Lilianna Mayberry is affected by me.

“I’m fine as well,” I reply with a laugh.

The mirth that invades my answer is calculated. It’s the sexy chuckle that has every girl I know discarding her panties without another word required. On Lilianna it has the opposite effect. She tries to tug her hand out of mine. I hold tight, running my thumb over her knuckles instead. Disappointment overcomes me when she tries to pull her hand away again.

She’s not going to be as easy as I first thought.

Time for a new tactic.

Leaves and small sticks from the gravel verge are stuck to the back of my shirt. I turn to show them to her. “Or I would be if you’d be kind enough to get this crap off my back for me.”
