Page 315 of Dangerous as Sin

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I recover from my earlier disenchantment when I register Anna’s feather-light touch on my shirt. Damned if I’m not going to enjoy ruining her innocence.

“All done.” Two simple words are all I get out of her when she’s finished.

I’d be certain my newest tactic hadn’t worked and would be searching for another approach if I hadn’t caught the breathless catch in her voice at the end. When I turn to face her again, I make sure my lady-killer smile is safely tucked away. Lilianna needs a dose of my boyish charm to settle her skittishness. A beguiling grin settles in place. It’s fake—completely for show. I’m the most dangerous person this girl is going to encounter in her life.

She just doesn’t need to know that yet.

Lilianna’s answering smile is forced. Her cheeks blaze red as her embarrassment makes its way up her slender neck. I promise myself that one day soon, I’m going to be tracing that path with my tongue… and then my teeth.

She gives me a jerky nod goodbye before turning to leave.

“Not so fast, little girl—we’re not finished with you yet,” my monster’s voice declares triumphantly in my head.

Seizing hold of her upper arm, I halt her retreat. A puzzled gaze meets mine, and her plump lips press together in a tight line that telegraphs her discomfort.

“You’re Lilianna Mayberry, aren’t you?” As I speak, I let my chocolate-brown eyes drill into her blue orbs with an intensity that should discomfort her. I expect Lilianna to wilt under my probing gaze, but she doesn’t. Instead, her shoulders straighten, and she openly glares at me.

Apparently, Lilianna has more spine than it appears at first glance.

I file that knowledge away for future reference.

With a curt shrug, she yanks her arm out of my grip. I feign offence at her hostility, then watch her face. Nothing changes. Lilianna simply nods her head to show that I have her name correct.

Again, I try to break down her defences. “You’re Sander’s sister?”

“That’s me. I prefer to be called Anna, though.” Her answer is short, but her expression softens at my mention of her brother. Mentally, I celebrate. We have identified Anna’s first weak spot—and it’s the same as Sander’s. “I’m actually his twin, even though no one can tell.”

She laughs as she plays with her hair. Her twin is as dark as she is fair, but they’re not as unalike as she pretends. Their bone structure is identical, as is their above-average height and exceptional good looks. The main difference is that Sander is very aware of his blessings while Anna appears to be oblivious.

“I’m Alexander Kingsley. I’ve seen you around, but you don’t come to parties like Sander does, so I’ve never officially met you.” I lay it on thick, ending my introduction with a wink and holding my hand out to her as I drawl, “Even though I’ve been dying to.”

Seizing on the opportunity offered by the slight change in her demeanour, I unleash my panty-melting smile and flirtatious charm. My reward is the confusion that clouds her eyes. Anna takes hold of my hand and shakes it. My teeth grind as I fight to hide my reaction to the charge that her touch sends through me. A sense of victory courses the same path as the electricity when I spy her eyes widening, and I realise she feels it as much as I do.

This tidbit is confirmed when Anna tries to drop my hand like it’s on fire. With perverse humour, I smile as I hold tight and prolong the handshake. She stops trying to remove her hand from my grip, which leaves us holding hands.

Her awkward attempt to break the tension I’m deliberately creating is adorable.

“Nice to officially meet you.” Her expression hasn’t changed now she knows my name. She shows no sign of recognising who I am. It’s a strange feeling, being anonymous, considering I’ve spent most of my life in the spotlight as the son of a politician and the grandson of a notorious mobster. “I don’t really party much. Although, I’m surprised you’re at the same parties as Sander—aren’t you a little old for…”

When Anna trails off, heat travels from her neck to settle in her cheeks again. My angelic little victim is proving to be judgmental and prudish—and it’s my new mission to fuck it right out of her. By the time I’m finished with her, she won’t have a critical bone in her bountiful body, because she’ll have had my cock jammed in every hole she possesses.

Marking her. Sullying her. Discarding her.

Breaking her spirit will be an added bonus to the humiliation I heap on Sander’s head when it’s made known that his precious sister is the latest indentation in my overburdened bedhead. My depraved musings are camouflaged by my laughter. I make it clear that I’m laughing at her lack of filter and not with her.

Instantly, her beautiful face turns a darker shade of red.

“Yes, I suppose I am. I’m twenty-two.” I watch her calculate our age gap with pleasure. Normally five years is enough to make me a taboo treat to the girls around here but not large enough to render me socially unacceptable to their parents. “There’s not much for me to do around here now I’ve finished up at university… plus most of the parties happen in our paddocks since I mostly organise them. You should come to the next one. I’ll look after you. Make sure you have a good time.” I wink at her once more, fighting the urge to drag her out of sight so I can screw her senseless when her cheeks flare into a deeper shade of scarlet.

“I’ll think about it.” Anna shuffles her feet, then meets my eyes with a steely resolve that won’t be there by the time I’m finished with her. “Anyhow, it was nice to meet you, but I need to get going. It’s nearly midnight, and I want to catch up with my friends before the fireworks.”

When I’m ready—which is after I’ve affected a bow and planted a kiss on her knuckles—I let her tug her hand from mine. “It was a pleasure having you run into me. I really hope you take me up on my offer. I think we could have a lot of fun together.”

The fake smile she plasters on her face tells me she’s close to telling me to piss off.

“Have a good night, Alex.” The irritated way she says my name rings in my ears as she spins on her heel and walks faster than necessary toward the restrooms.

Approaching me once Anna is out of sight, Hugh shakes his head. “Bad luck. Looks like she’s not interested.”
