Page 329 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Your room’s all set up for you.” Vesper handed Trip a key. “Second floor, fourth door on the left.”

“Thanks, Ves.”

The man ambled away and I turned in my seat. “Well, it was…interesting meeting you,” I said. My heart sank a little. I’d had fun flirting with him and it’d been nice to have a gorgeous man’s attention completely focused on me for so long. Then there’d been that kiss. I needed to not think about that though, because it made me want to squirm in my seat to relieve the ache that started up. Maybe it was time I got back into the dating scene. Apparently, I was lonely. Who knew that I could meet and connect with a man so quickly?

Trip’s eyes mesmerized me. They seemed ever changing, like the water I loved so much. He searched my gaze before he let go of my hand and cupped the back of my neck. My heart beat hard against my ribs, breath catching in my throat as he tugged my head closer.

He was moving slowly enough that I had time to pull away if I wanted to. Did I want to? My gaze dipped down to his lips. They looked surprisingly soft for such a rugged guy. I wanted one last kiss from him. Something to remember him by.

Our lips were nearly touching when Trip rumbled, “This okay?”

My two halves were at war inside me. The inner prude was distressed at the idea of kissing a man I didn’t know for a second time. My inner hussy on the other hand was cheering me on. Her voice was loudest right now, so I closed the gap and let my lips land on his.

He chuckled as I hit him a bit harder than I’d meant to and our teeth clacked together.

Ugh. I wasn’t a virgin, but it wasn’t like I had a lot of notches on my bedpost either and he made me nervous.

“Easy, Siren,” he murmured against my lips.

His tongue brushed over my skin and I opened my mouth. We both groaned as his tongue swept in. His free hand planted itself on my hip. We were kissing over the center console of my car. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, and I didn’t exactly care. Everywhere he touched tingled, and he was rousing feelings inside of me that had been dormant for well over a year. Not so much arousal, because I was still young and alive, but more a need to connect with a man. I needed to know more about him, figure out what made him tick and let him into my little world of solitude.

If he could do this to me with a single kiss, what could he do to my whole body…? The thought had heat ripping through me.

Trip was good with his mouth. His teeth nipped my lower lip, bringing into sharp contrast how swollen they felt from his kisses.

The sound of revving motorcycles brought me back from the pleasure soaked fog he’d wrapped me in. I pulled away from him, looking around guiltily. There was a group of men, straddling bikes across the lot. They were getting ready to leave.

Trip’s thumb brushed my cheek, bringing my focus back to him. “Go out with me?”

I blinked at him. He wanted to take me on a date? I had to say no. I barely knew him, and it’s not like he was staying, he’d said so himself. “Okay,” I whispered.

What?! That hadn’t been what I was going to say. Who was in charge of my mouth right now? His tongue, apparently.

His grin was all blinding white teeth. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine once more, before he got out of the car. He leaned down through the window. “What’s your address? I’ll pick you up tonight at seven.”

I didn’t have anything going on. It didn’t occur to me to lie to him and say I already had plans. It did occur to me that I didn’t know him very well and giving him my home address was a mistake. I did it anyway. The look in his eyes said I wouldn’t regret it.

“See you tonight, Siren.”

I watched him walk away, the cocky swagger making him that much more appealing. I was in so far over my head with this man and yet I couldn’t bring myself to regret kissing him, or agreeing to see him again. For the first time in…years, I was genuinely excited about a man.



Drew looked up as I walked into the clubhouse. Cade—our Austin club president—had called Vesper a few days ago, asking if we could crash here. It was typical for Nomads to travel from club to club, but there were rules. We’d follow them. The last thing we wanted to do was piss off our brothers in any chapter. We may not know many of the San Francisco Chapter members well yet, but they were still family. We were all Vikings and that’s all we needed to know. It helped that we both knew their president, Vesper. He’d help us settle in here while we took care of Eric, or he fled to a new city yet again.

I sat down next to my friend and accepted a beer that one of the sweet butts brought over. I’d been in a long term relationship up until a year ago. Shit had hit the fan with our club and my girl—and Drew’s—had decided things were a little too dangerous for them. I couldn’t necessarily blame her, though it had been a blow to my pride to let her go. I’d thought I was in love. Turned out I was just comfortable with her. We’d been together since high school and it was easy to be with her. It was also easy to be without her. Too easy. Made me realize that there wasn’t really anything there.

Despite being a single man for the first time since I was seventeen the sweet butt smiling at me suggestively didn’t tempt me. Probably because she had shoulder length black hair and deep brown eyes, not long blonde waves down to her delectable ass and amber eyes.

“You alright?” Drew asked, then took a drink from his bottle.

“I’m good. Pissed off about Lucy.” The loss of my bike was going to sting for quite some time.

“I bet. You’ve had that bike since we started the MC together.”

“I know,” I said mournfully. “It’s not going to be the same without her.”
