Page 332 of Dangerous as Sin

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Nothing tasted better than the food trucks around here. The street food in San Francisco was to die for. That didn’t mean I wasn’t blushing furiously, because Trip looked like he was about to set me on top of the table and devour me. That thought had me blushing even harder. My body gave a low thrum of approval, desire forcing me to clench my thighs together to relieve the ache between them.

Laughter and talking pulled us out of the staring contest we were having. The surfers were starting to leave the area. That made me feel better. Looking out for people in the ocean was part of my job and I’d been doing it for so long it bled over into my everyday life. That’s why I’d swerved off to the side of the road and rushed to Trip’s aid. It wasn’t an active thought, just a natural response to a swimmer—or in his case sinker—being in trouble. And look where it had gotten me. I was at the beach, eating street food with the sexiest guy I’d ever met.

“Tell me more about yourself, Trip.”

He watched people leaving the area for a few moments before he answered. “Not a lot to tell.”

“Well, I know you’re in a motorcycle club. What do you do?” I was curious about him, but he was sealed up as tight as a clam on the ocean floor.

“Bartender.” He went back to eating. “How old are you?”


He choked on his taco and pounded a fist into his chest to get air past the food lodged in his throat.

“I’m so sorry!” I said, laughter clawing at my chest as he guzzled down his soda. “I’m kidding. I’m twenty-six.”

He shot me a mock glare. “That’s more like it. About gave me a heart attack. I’m twenty-eight.”

Good to know where his baseline morals were. I liked his teasing nature. The only time he tensed up was when I asked anything about him. I wanted to know more, and the way he closed himself off made him that much more intriguing to me. “How long does it usually take for a person to get to know you?”

One eyebrow rose on his face. “Not long, six or seven years.” He winked. “Why?”

“Every time I ask you anything you get all…tense. I’m just wondering why? What are you hiding, Trip?” My tone was teasing, but that wary look was back on his face. I sighed.

“Nothing. Just some things I don’t like sharing with strangers.”


“Okay. I can understand that.” And here I thought people went on dates to get to know each other so they weren’t strangers anymore.

My cool tone must have registered to him because he tried to backpedal. “Not that you’re a stranger.”

“Right.” I scooped up my garbage and went to dispose of it in the trash cans. When I turned around, I smacked right into his chest.

His hands dropped to my hips to steady me. “Easy.”

It was hard to stay irritated with him when he was this close. He smelled so good, like some kind of fancy cologne with sandalwood in it. I was pressed up against his muscular body and my system was going haywire.

When his lips lowered to mine it didn’t matter that he hadn’t told me much more than his name and age. That we were strangers to each other who weren’t likely to meet again. That I wasn’t the kind of girl who participated in one night stands.

His tongue brushed against mine and all thoughts fled. His mouth was hot and hungry and moved from my lips to my neck.

For once I just let go. I’d never allowed myself to feel like this before. A man had never had me so needy and achy with just a kiss. I’d never been so drawn to someone the way I was to Trip. I’d probably end up regretting my decision, but I knew I was going to go home with him. Worse, I probably wasn’t going to regret it.

Cupping his cheeks, I brought his mouth back to mine, needing to feel connected to him in the only way I could in public. His hands roamed down my back and squeezed my ass.

Giggles had us breaking apart, and I flushed as I realized we just gave all the food truck workers a show. The women were still laughing and watching us, though they looked a bit envious. I still wasn’t sure how this was happening to me. I wasn’t ugly by any means, but I didn’t dress to impress and I never went out of my way to get men’s attention, so I usually remained unnoticed. Now, I felt like I was the center of his universe.

“Come on,” Trip said, voice low and husky as he grabbed my hand.

We got back on his bike and I wasn’t surprised when we pulled back up to his clubhouse. It was dark now and music blared from the open doors.

I glanced around and realized they didn’t live in a residential area, probably a good thing considering how many people were scattered around the parking lot and how loud they were.

Trip took me by the hand and led me inside. He shouted greetings at a few people, but otherwise made a beeline to the stairs. The music thumped around us in the hallway and we’d barely made it through the door before his mouth was back on mine. He used my body to close the door fully as he pinned me against it.

I should tell him I changed my mind. That I needed to slow down. That I wanted to go home. I did none of those things. Instead, I let him strip off my shirt and reveled in his masculine groan of appreciation as he looked down at my breasts. I’d forgone a bra since my shirt had left my shoulders bare, so he had an unobstructed view. Taking a deep breath, I watched as his eyes raked over me. There was hunger and heat there in his gaze and it made me feel so beautiful.
