Page 338 of Dangerous as Sin

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My brows furrowed together. “How old was he?”

Her grin was huge. “Never mind that, we were talking about you. There’s nothing wrong with you becoming his old lady, necessarily, but it’s a totally different lifestyle. There’s a lot you need to know.”

She proceeded to teach me about the biker culture until my eyes were wide and my brain was numb. She and Celeste were right. If Trip decided he wanted me to become his old lady I had a lot to consider. The most important thing I needed to know was, could I date someone who was considered a criminal? Who was dangerous and lethal?

A shiver of desire raced over my skin. There was something inherently sexy about the thought of him being so threatening. Especially since I knew he wouldn’t be toward me. We hadn’t known each other long, but somehow I knew it deep down. He’d never hurt me.

Kat left me alone to absorb everything she’d told me. If she was right he lived a treacherous lifestyle. One that I’d be expected to be a part of, however indirectly, if I was going to be with him. I laid back on my bed, letting my thoughts drift.



I was already in a shitty mood by the time we made it back to the clubhouse. It turned darker as Celeste smiled at me and let me know that her old man had brought Marina home.

Her smile faltered and she looked between me and Drew. “I’m so sorry. She was going to walk home and I thought you’d rather have one of the men take her.”

Guilt pricked at me for making her feel badly. I was pissed that Marina wasn’t here, still sleeping. I wasn’t angry at Celeste, or even Marina herself. I’d just been looking forward to taking a blistering hot shower and waking my siren with my tongue. Now I realized that I would have to do some damage control.

“Thank you, Celeste,” I said, trying to soften my scowl a little.

An uncertain smile crept over her face. She passed over two cups of coffee for me and Drew.

“I appreciate you looking out for her,” I told her. She heard the sincerity in my tone and gave me a real smile. I’d have to have a talk with Marina about placing herself in unnecessary danger. Walking around the city wasn’t safe. Especially if my enemies found out she was mine.

And she was. Mine. She’d figure that out soon enough. In fact, I planned to have that talk soon. But first, I needed to shower and get the blood staining my skin washed off. It’d seeped through my shirt and dried to my chest.

By the time I stepped out of the shower Drew was banging on my door. I pulled on my clothes and yanked open the door. “The fuck, man?”

“The guys just had church. Vesper wants to speak to us.” There was a wariness in his eyes and I felt it down to my soul. The president of this chapter wanting to speak with us could spell trouble.

I followed him downstairs, irritated that this was going to delay my talk with Marina, but unable to do much about it. We walked into the club’s meeting room and sat down.

Vesper sat at the head of the table and the rest of his officers were still present. The wariness grew deeper. If they were all here that meant this was club business. I just hoped they didn’t give us the boot. Vesper knew we were here to kill Eric and he hadn’t given us any guidelines he wanted us to adhere to while we were here.

“Thanks for joining us.”

Drew and I nodded in acknowledgement, but didn’t reply otherwise, letting him continue.

Vesper watched us with cunning eyes. The man was a great president, judging by what we’d seen so far, and he had Cade’s respect. Our Austin pres was a good judge of character and I trusted him not to fuck us over.

“We could use your help if you have the time,” Vesper finally said.

My brows shot up. Having us help them out with club business was usually a test run for Nomads. It was a way for the president and VP to figure out whether they’d be a good fit for the club. Was he considering asking us to stay here with them? I didn’t hate the idea. Recent events made the thought of staying in the San Francisco area appealing. And by events I meant meeting Marina.

“Sure,” I responded. “What can we do for you?”

I didn’t need to check with Drew to see if he agreed. We’d known each other for far too long for me to wonder whether he was on board. He was.

“My guys have to go pick up two shipments on opposite sides of the city. It’s a bit last minute so I’m short on manpower. I want you to ride with Cy to go get one of the shipments.”

Easy enough.

I glanced over at Vesper’s Sergeant At Arms and grinned. Cyclone scowled back at me. The man almost never smiled. This would be a chance to get to know him at least. If we were going to stay in this club, we needed to make sure we liked the men. That we’d be able to bond with them as brothers.

“Count us in,” Drew replied.

Cyclone’s mouth turned up into his own smile, but it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The guy was a bit of a lunatic. Granted, we all tended to march to the beat of a different drum, but he was something else. “You two can drive the cage.”
