Page 354 of Dangerous as Sin

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“I’m ready,” he told me as if I hadn’t just stood there for ten minutes watching some girls’ tits jounce in water. “Just had to pay Boob-spect.”

“We have a run, but it's personal.”

“I always have your six,” Dagger slapped my arm. “Even if you are as moody as a puberty riddled teenager.”

“What?” I growled as we walked toward the house.

“Come on man, you need some love or some blow. These days you are the moodiest motherfucker I have ever known. You getting old and senile on me?”

“I’m not old. I’m high mileage,” I argued as we walked inside the garage and Dagger changed into a shirt and jeans with his cut. He grabbed another pair of boots and then put a bandana around his forehead.

“You’re Scrooge, and to be honest K, it sucks being around you sometimes,” he crossed his arms and pouted like a child.

“I’ll work on it,” I promised, even though I had no intention of doing anything about it. I knew I was angry. Bitterness turned whatever warmth I had inside me to ice. Whatever heart I had stopped beating the day she left, and anger grew in the time since.

This is who I am now.

I am the club fixer - they call me Karma because I deliver when fate doesn’t. I dish out a punishment worthy of whatever crime they committed. When someone hurts the club, I deal with the problem. It used to give me a rush, now it bores me.

Last month Flex’s daughter Fiona found herself involved with a man who thought her face was a punching bag. I heard Flex talking about it at the bar -he claimed the man was hiding- so I did something about it. Ty, Dagger, and I tracked that son of a bitch to a cabin in the woods two towns over and Dagger and I used him to repaint the walls inside. Then we stripped him down to nothing but bones and put what was left inside a punching bag at the local gym. Ty set his cabin on fire, then he took his truck and let it coast down the hillside into the lake so everything about that man’s life would disappear along with him.

No one even had to ask me to do it. I just did. I would get a nod of thanks from time to time, but mostly everything I did was rumors, no one knew the truth except for Ty and Dagger.

“Grab Ty,” I yelled as I headed inside the house. I grabbed my keys, tied my bandana around my hair, and picked up my helmet. I walked outside to see if the guys were ready to ride.

“Dagger,” I shouted, and he rode his bike over to me with Ty right beside him. “Open your trunk,” I demanded. He was the only biker with an extra trunk on his bike and to make it worse, he had an added lock welded on. I waited for what felt like an eternity as he put himself between me and the lock as he fiddled with the combination.

“It’s your birthday,” I tell him when he says shit for the third time because he keeps messing up the combination. He finally gets it open and when I go to put the package inside, I can’t because it’s full of Little Debbie snacks. I pull them out by the handfuls and start throwing them at Dagger.

“Hey!” he shouts, but I keep doing it. He pulls his gun and points it at me. Ty starts laughing as I turn and face the barrel making sure it is right between my eyes. “Don’t fucking make me shoot you K! I love you like a brother, but those are my fatty cakes. I. Don’t. Share!”

I picked up another Little Debbie Oatmeal creme pie and this time I open the package and devoured it. Dagger flicked his safety off and looked like he is actually considering shooting me.

“Grow up guys,” Ty ordered, and we both turned our focus to him. A smile slid across my face without force when I watched him pick up a tiny unicorn cake, unwrap it, and eat it in front of Dagger.

“I will shoot you both,” Dagger exclaimed, but he wouldn’t. “I am going to fuck you up K,” he growled, as I shook my head. I put the package in his trunk, closed it, and locked it.

“Fuck me up later, we have something to do,” I responded as my phone rang. I pulled it out and looked to see a familiar name across the screen.


“Karma?” Her voice came through the line. I heard a sniffle and waited. “Karma, I need you.” I hung up without so much as a word spoken.

“We have to make a quick stop and then we hit the road.”

I climbed on my bike, turned her on, and pulled out of the club. We rode in a triangle formation blocking the road. Dagger was to my right and Ty to my left while I stayed in front and headed to see Rose, our club mom.

As soon as we topped the hill, I knew it would not be a good situation. Smoke stained the blue sky. The smell of burning was thick and laid on our flesh as if we were standing next to a fire. By the time we pulled up, her detached garage was up in flames, but no sirens were sounding to come help her. Her front door was shattered and barely holding onto the hinges. I pulled my double barrel off my bike and the three of us raced to the door. Dagger snuck up to the house and ducked down in front of a shattered window.

“They would have heard the bikes,” I explained when Dagger started making hand motions to move inside quietly.

“I know, but it’s more fun to do it like we are on a midnight mission,” Dagger smirked and we let him continue his hand signs as Ty counted the men he could see from the window and then held up four fingers in response.

Ty and I moved inside first. With his gun in one hand and a knife in the other, Dagger barreled through the door, moving past us and shot one man in the face. He continued his onslaught as he sliced the next one’s neck. Ty shot the remaining offender as JayBird tried to fight me, but I dragged him into the living room by his hair and forced him on knees before me.

“I can explain,” he pleads as Dagger comes to stand beside me. Jay mumbles something about money and Caleb. I always let people ramble on before killing them so I would know what’s coming, what they regretted, and so on, but mostly it’s all incoherent panic talk.

“K,” Dagger whispered, and I gave him a side eye. “It’s like we’re the Boondock Saints, want to pray for him before we shoot him?”

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