Page 355 of Dangerous as Sin

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“No,” I scoffed loudly. “Don’t kill him!”

I walked away and traveled through the house over broken glass and torn out walls. Rose was just a little older than my mom, and she is the club lawyer. She is training Doris to take her place so she could retire and live the rest of her life on the back of Mad Dog’s bike, but it seemed Jay Bird had other plans for her.

I saw blood pooling into beige carpet from the only door left standing.


I grabbed the door and without a thought I ripped it open as she fell over onto the floor. “Rose!” I anxiously spoke her name as I reached for her. “Ty,” I shouted, knowing I was leaving Dagger alone with Jay Bird, but I didn’t have a choice.

“Lay her down,” Ty ordered, and I did. We combed her body looking for wounds, but there was nothing other than a knot on the head. Her hand gripped something and it seemed to be the source of blood. “What is that?” Ty questioned as we opened her fingers.

“She bit it off!” I am beyond proud of her at this moment. I stand up and walk further into the bathroom to see a man lay dying in the tub missing every man’s favorite body part. “He’s in shock,” I told Ty, and he started shouting orders to save him, just so Mad Dog could kill him.

That wasn’t good enough for me.

I walked back into the living room to see the white walls were now painted in crimson. I looked at Dagger and there was a pool of blood left at his feet but no body.

“Dagger,” I sighed. “Seriously, you need help. I can’t leave you alone for five fucking minutes without you killing someone.”

“K,” Dagger called after me as I turned from the irritation flooding me. “Jay Bird is fine. I made him sit on the couch and watch.”

That’s when I noticed all the bodies were missing. I looked around the room at Dagger’s newest masterpiece and blended into the couch covered in blood, Jay Bird sat with his eyes wide, mouth open, almost catatonic.

“Want to do it again?” I pressed Dagger, and a smirk crossed his face. I nod my head toward the door, and we headed outside.

“Who are we killing now?” Dagger asked like a child wanting to open a present on Christmas.

“Looks like someone underestimated Rose and her dentures,” I didn’t have to go into detail, Dagger understood what I was getting at. There were several things that we didn’t tolerate, and rape, attempted or completed, was one thing the club didn’t allow. Dagger, Ty, or I would kill any man or woman for so much as thinking about it. There is a way to treat a human; forcing themselves on others only made them cowardly terrorists and I despised people like them.

“Prelude to hell?” Dagger inquired, and I gave him a nod. Everyone knows I believe the punishment must fit the crime, but when I think of what that man did, I only see red. I want him to scream. I want him to feel the pain and fear Rose felt. I don’t care how he dies as long as he feels the agony on his way.

We gather some tools from the garden shed, and then I walk over and cut the wires off the old clothesline, coiling them around my fist. Dagger finds some gasoline near the garage that’s blazing higher as it eats through the structure.

There was no saving it now.

Dagger and I went back inside and gathered up the half dead man in the bathtub and carried him outside as Ty sat with Rose. She was lucid and trying to tell him what happened to her.

We tore the cut off the half-dead man as we tied him to the clothesline pole with the wire I had. Dagger used a knife and cut the gas can in half. Then he placed the man’s feet into the gas. We used zippo fluid from Rose’s house to slowly edge the fire from her garage to the clothesline.

“Any last words?” Dagger probed as he dragged the running hose over. He always asks, but usually they are already dead when he does. The man smiles as his eyes roll back in his skull and his head lulls to the side.

“Not yet, asshole,” I growl as I squirt the lighter fluid and let it climb its way into the gas can. He could die when we allowed it. With the amount of blood, he was losing, I knew it wouldn’t be long, but we needed him to survive long enough for some kind of punishment. I watched as the fire began to climb up his clothes, and I walked away when the screaming started. Rage wants me to kill him, but that wouldn’t be fitting to the crime. Not yet, so I left Dagger with the hose and lighter fluid just to make his death last as long as possible. To make him feel the pain.

Normally, his death would be my responsibility, this would be my kill, but there was nothing normal about this when it comes to the club mom. She was there every Wednesday at the prison to see us. She was the only one who bothered to tell me that my mom had died, and she handled all the funeral arrangements. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

The man’s cut caught my eye and I bent down to pick it up. They weren’t any club I had heard of, and the colors weren’t local. The one thing I knew was war just started because the front patch said President. Killing a club president always came with repercussions, but at the moment I truly didn’t care. I carried the cut back inside the house and stared at Jay Bird.

“What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?” I pried but got no response. I slapped his face, but he didn’t blink. As angry as I am, I can’t take him back to the club like this. I pull my phone from my cut and call the Sheriff. I gave him the rundown and he agreed to send someone to get Jay Bird so he can decompress in a cell until we send someone to pick him up so we can talk to him.

After Jay was collected and the man on the pole had surrendered to his introduction to damnation, I folded up the bloody cut and placed it inside Dagger’s trunk. Shoving the bloody cut over Dagger’s snack cakes and Mad Dog’s package, earned me a scowl from Dagger.

I walked back inside the house looking for anything those men might have left behind. Then I walked outside and went through the bags on the bikes the men had ridden in on. Nothing out of the ordinary until I opened one of the saddle bags. Inside was a piece of paper with Rose’s address. It didn’t make sense, the bike belonged to the man wearing a cut that identified him as a president, but presidents would never take orders, they gave them.

I walked over to my bike as Dagger finished putting his guns in their holsters. I folded the note up and put it in my pocket just as Ty walked Rose out.

“Rose,” I called to her, and she fell into my arms sobbing. “You’re okay,” I reassured her, forcing Dagger and Ty to look at me as though I had grown a dick on my forehead. I could be less of an asshole and more helpful when I wanted to be, but I had my motives. This hug would later cost her a favor, and we all knew it. Nothing I did came free. Everything had a price and unfortunately, my club mom was now in my debt.

“Clean up?” Dagger called out, and I gave him a nod. The Sheriff wouldn’t be able to cover up the mess Dagger made with the bodies. Ty and Dagger walk over and kick a gas can letting it run down the small slope in the yard to the house and they provoke it with a tree limb. Then we all stood by our bikes and watched as Rose lost everything she had in the blazing fire when sirens finally started to sound in the distance.
