Page 357 of Dangerous as Sin

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“That’s for putting your filthy hands on me.”

“Your dad isn’t going to take kindly to this,” he threatened me as I got in his face. “I’m gonna pay him a visit next.”

“You mean if you ever get out of prison,” I scoffed. “If you do get out, when you see my dad, you tell him he’s next.”

“I want to congratulate our newest field agent on her superb skills in apprehending a fugitive by sweet talking,” my boss joked as he loosened his red tie. “If anyone could have gotten Kane Malone without a single bullet being fired, it was Agent Preston.”

Everyone clapped, and I put a smile across my face like I was proud and happy, but in reality, Kane Malone was a scary individual. I really thought I was going to die by disease from touching his body or by a bullet when he had a gun to my head. Even now after scrubbing myself from head to toe I felt like someone should call the CDC and have my flesh detoxed.

“Agent Preston,” my amazing boyfriend Harris walked through the crowd of people trying to congratulate me and picked me up. He twirled me in his arms. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, but really it was nothing,” I blushed as he kissed my neck in front of everyone. Usually this would be grounds for termination, but not in my case. Not since he was now my bosses’ boss.

He pulled me away from everyone and pushed me against a drink machine as he kissed me harshly. He was always overly affectionate when I had to leave the office or when I returned. I think it reminded him that my return was never guaranteed.

“Did you think about it?” He inquired as he pulled a ring from his pocket. He had proposed multiple times, but there was something holding me back. “There is no one else on the planet that I look forward to kissing more than you. I want to be with you, not just because I love you, but because I don’t know how to live without you,” he could be romantic when he needed to be. Then he did the unthinkable. I couldn’t believe it. He made it impossible to say no.

“Agent Preston,” he loudly announced over everyone celebrating. Then he got down on one knee in front of our entire field office and the Attorney General who was on a live conference call inside a glass walled office. “I knew when I met you that you would make an incredible partner. I knew when I met you that you were the one for me. There have never been two people more perfect for each other than you and I. Would you do me the honor of agreeing to share your life with me?”



What do you say when your boss, your boss’ bosses’ boss, and the AG are watching?

“Yes,” I plastered a fake smile over my resistant nature as he slid the princess cut diamond ring onto my finger and then lifted me into a hug as everyone cheered and said their congratulations.

“I’ll never let you regret it,” he whispered in my ear and I tried to take comfort in it.

I was still young and wanted a million things in my life. I could have everything I wanted and still have him, right?

“I would love to stay and chat, but I am late for the videoconference with the attorney general. Congratulations again on your collar,” he smiled hugely, and I gripped his biceps as he spun me around again. “Tonight, I will show you how glad I am that you’re going to be my wife,” he whispered, as heat coursed through my body. He put me down and gave Shane a handshake as he headed back to his office.

“Should I offer you a congratulation, a bottle of wine, or some Xanax?” Shane winked, he sometimes understood me too well.

“Let’s talk about anything else.”

“How’d you do it? How did you get Kane?” Shane pried when everyone walked over to get some of the cake they had brought in.

“Honestly, it was the cat, but before that…” Shane waited for me to speak as I took a deep breath. “I truly believe I would be dead right now, if he hadn’t recognized me. He knew who I was, and it became a game that bought me more time,” I whispered, and Shane nodded his head. We walked toward my office away from everyone. “I thought I was past all that. Past dealing with people who ran in those circles. Past the days where everyone saw me as his princess.”

“I don’t think that ever happens,” Shane gave me a soft smile. “As long as your dad runs with criminals, there is a possibility that any of these men or women we bring in could know who you are.”

“I’ve changed my name, my location, and even my hair. Maybe plastic surgery is the next step.”

“Maybe it’s time for you to stop hiding what you were and instead embrace it. Use what you know to end that life you are constantly trying to distance yourself from,” I gave Shane a shrug, he reached out and gave me that obligatory shoulder squeeze when you know someone isn’t listening to your advice. I gave him a half smile to imply it would be okay before he walked away toward the crowd of people eating cake and celebrating my engagement.


I sat in the leather chair listening to the strum of the tattoo gun as it dug into my abs. I kept thinking about the timing of things. Conspiracy theories placated what was normally just thoughts of a murderous biker. In those theories were fantasies. Dreams of taking Mad Dogs place, changing the club, bringing my girl home, and doing things the right way, without bloodshed unless blood was warranted.

“Son,” Mad Dog walked into the room when he saw me. “Is there something you want to tell me?” I shook my head as he looked down at the broken clock that was tattooed on my side. It was the face of the grandfather clock my mother used to wind when I was little, only between the three and five the gears were falling out. It was in honor of when she died. Behind the clock, an hourglass filled with sand was always full. With each kill we added a knife, a match, a bullet, or rope to the sand. I had done so much work for the club there was almost no sand left.

“You know what I know,” I lied as his eyes drifted up to a name that blended in to a tribal on my chest. He stared at the name and waited for my confession. “Sheriff Denny is on our side. He knows what we know and is on alert. If anyone new crosses into the area, he will let us know. Don’t worry Dagger, Ty, and I are ready to battle to save the King,” my voice had grown sardonic, so I stopped talking and looked down at the tattoo. He was adding one more match to my sand, even though I felt like I didn’t do enough to claim this death.

“I want everyone attached to the club brought on the property. Put them up in some of the empty houses.” I gave him a nod. “I’m also going to halt the runs through the city until we find out what exactly is going on,” Mad Dog spoke and I nodded again, accepting his orders.

“I think it might be time to ask the Florida chapter to send some of their best at hiding in plain sight. Someone whose face isn’t known around Caleb’s club. We need eyes as well as ears on this situation.”
