Page 356 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Take me home,” Rose sobbed, wanting to go back to the club, so I gave her my helmet. We climbed on my bike and Ty and Dagger surrounded us as I took her back to the club.

It was déjà vu.

I had taken this trip once before with a different girl, my girl. Somehow, I found myself always taking the injured and broken on my bike back to the club, the one place that most likely made them a target to begin with. The guilt was etched into my soul.


I crept around the corner of the trailer that I was looking for a way inside. I tried the windows with screens falling out of them. The toxic moldy air irritated my lungs as I walked around in garbage while I tried the back door that had no steps.

“Meow,” I heard a noise and jumped. My skin was crawling with a need to get the hell out of there. My boss should just drop a missile on the house and take out Kane Malone and his detrimental home.

I shook off the sweat that now covered my body as I saw an opening where the cat had climbed out. I looked over to my partner and gave him a sign that I was going in. He shook his head and tried to tell me to wait, but it was too late. I wanted this over with and I wanted the hell out of here.

I crawled through disgusting mud that smelled like hot sewage and continued over toward the cat’s lair. I noticed there was a hole in the run-down metal home and I was going to climb through. I put my gun in its holster on my jeans and started to peel back fake marble linoleum when I felt a tug on my pants.

“Backup is still ten minutes out,” my partner Shane told me, and I shook my head.

“In ten minutes if we don’t have him in custody, I am setting this death trap on fire,” I warned, as I went back to peeling back broken flooring. “Give me a radio,” I told Shane as he pulled it from his hip. “Get in position and watch the window in the front. That’s where I will be in about sixty seconds.”

Shane headed back out as I climbed up into the moldy bathroom that smelled of urine and rotten oranges. I saw the heroin on the counter and shook my head. I pulled my gun and walked slowly across the creaking tin can of a home as I made my way to the front window. It was the kitchen. From there I opened the curtains and continued on as I walked over to an older sleeping delinquent that looked like he hadn’t showered in months.


I held up my gun and then turned to the window, feeling uneasy about moving forward, but knowing what I had to do I held up three fingers. It was my sign to Shane that I was about to let the suspect know I was in the room, but as I looked at Shane the reflection in the window growing closer to me was Kane.

“I love a woman with a badge,” he sneered as he jerked me back up against him. “Makes me want to do bad things to her so she can bring out the handcuffs.”

“Sorry, left them in my other pants,” I scoffed as I felt the cold metal of a gun at my temple. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “You know I’m not the only one here. I have a partner out there and backup.”

“That may be true, but you are alone in here with me,” he whispered in my ear, letting me smell the whiskey on his breath. He pushed my arms down and forced me to drop my gun. “I can do anything I want to you in here.”

“Kane Malone,” I pulled out every ounce of courage I had. “You are under arrest for drug possession, kidnapping, rape, and the murder of Billie Morris. Anything you say -,” I trailed off when I heard the safety on the gun click.

“I know my rights; do you want to hear yours?”

I stayed silent.

“You have the right to blow me. You have the right to strip naked and watch as I bite off your flesh. You have the right to scream as loud as you want, and when I’m done, you have the right to die just like the others.”

He backed me up near the couch and kicked my gun away from us. Then he turned me in his arms and I watched as he looked into my eyes and realization hit him like lightning finding a tree.

“I almost didn’t recognize you, but now that I see it in your eyes…” he rambled on as I noticed the train station clock mounted to the wall. It looked like it was holding tightly on the studs. The only thing in this soda can home that looked secure. “I can’t wait to play with you. My fans would bow down at my feet for such an offense. Imagine what your daddy would do…”

“Imagine the bones you would earn for taking me out,” I smiled as I leaned forward and tried not to throw up. I wrapped my arms around him and gagged when I put my fingers in his gray hair. “Before you kill me, are you going to play with me?” I asked flirtatiously hoping those acting classes paid off. “Are you going to touch me everywhere?” I continued as he looked down my body and I reached for the latch on the side of the clock.

I pushed him back a little further to reach as he grabbed my ass. I unlatched the first latch and leaned into him. “Maybe we can come to some form of arrangement?” I hinted at the door that was wired with C4. His smile never reached his eyes as I continued to lean, but he pushed me back before I could get the second latch.

“Get on your knees,” he demanded and pushed me to the floor. I could almost see the bacteria in the house crawling toward me as he scratched his head with the gun and smiled. “Didn’t your momma teach you should always have a full stomach before you play?” He asked and then unbuttoned his pants.

I saw flashing lights off the wall and hoped they nuked the place with me inside because I would never be clean again. This was something that even Calgon couldn’t carry away. Just when I thought I was going to vomit, the same cat that scared me earlier jumped up on the clock and the front metal ring around the clock came crashing over Kane.

The glass shattered, and the metal ring trapped him. Luckily, the glass shards that had held onto their place in the frame now kept him where he stood. He couldn’t move without cutting himself. I grabbed his gun and mine as I got up off the nasty floor.

“Your daddy must be so proud,” he snarled as I holstered one gun and picked up my radio. I alerted them to explosives being on the property.

“He wouldn’t know me if he saw me,” I told Kane as I let everyone know I was placing him in custody. Then I walked over and cuffed him. “You know it wouldn’t hurt you to take a shower every now and then, but for future reference I would rather die than blow you Kane. I don’t do the bad boy thing anymore.”

“We’ll see about that,” he sneered as I kicked his knee, forcing his chest to embed more glass. Then I walked over and lifted my knee into his crotch.

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