Page 362 of Dangerous as Sin

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“I heard there’s a pretty girl at my gate,” Mad Dog’s raspy voice spoke with a cough just as he lit another cigarette. “I think she has a love note for me,” he joked as we made our way to the fence.

“Everyone is in their positions; all our businesses are open except the car lot, and the newer prospects are waiting near their homes. Doris is handling the legalities while Wolf moves the cars. Dagger is being his normal self, so he is entertaining the law enforcement to keep them from barging in. He’s probably pissing a line they can’t cross as we speak,” I listed off everything he needed to know. I thought I was clear, but he was silent as his eyes stayed glued to the fence.

“You ready? Boss?” I questioned and turned to see why he was frozen in place. Nothing could shake him, even his cigarette fell from his hands. Then I followed his line of sight and my breath caught. My eyes had to be deceiving me.


“I’m serious,” Dagger demanded my attention. “My dick could end global warming,” he continued on as I looked at my watch. “All I have to do is pull it out and swing it around. Instant air-cooling cock.”

He hadn’t changed a single bit since we were twelve years old. I was starting to think the bike he once fell off of did permanent damage.

“Dagger,” I groaned in frustration. “This is a warrant for Douglas Spencer. Either you need to go get him and let him walk out peacefully, or we will come in and arrest you all for the shit you have in there. If you don’t like those options, I can instruct the officers to run you over while they mow down the gate and take him in anyway,” I enunciated each decision, so I was sure it was getting into his head.

“Prospect went to get him,” he smiled. “Hey how did you know my -,” he stopped and that same look I got from Kane was now on Dagger’s face. “Well, fuck me with a fatty cake!” He bellowed “It’s little Mia.”

“Not little anymore Dagger, and I need you to go get him or I will,” I felt like I was dealing with a toddler.

“Not till you appreciate my air conditioning cock,” he danced around as I contemplated shooting him. They wouldn’t penalize me; it would be completely justified. Not guilty by reasons of dealing with idiocy.

“Dagger, do you see this shiny badge,” I pointed to it on my black dress pants “it says I can do whatever the hell I want to people who get in my way. I’m being extremely nice allowing you to bring him to me, but if you are bullshitting me, I will end you. Now, are you going to get in my way or are you going to help me out?”

“You know you still owe me twenty dollars,” he crossed his arms and tapped his foot.


“You owe me twenty dollars because you dared me to run across the football field during summer try-outs in nothing except my cut. I did, but you didn’t pay up. That hurt my feelings, Mia,” he crossed his arms over his chest as his dick still hung out of his pants.

“Dagger,” I pointed and told him to zip it up. He put his back to me and fixed himself. Seemed like something caught his eye as he hesitated, but the sun was in my eyes and I couldn’t see what he was seeing. Then he slowly turned around grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, little Mia, this is going to be so good for you. You don’t need therapy, drugs, or a good spanking. You just need a good old fashion arresting,” he continued as I turned to tell the officers to run him over. Then something caught my eye. I locked on someone walking out of the sun. Someone who wasn’t listed as still being part of the club. Someone I hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Kevin,” I called him by his formal name as he made his way to me. Someone was with him, but I couldn’t see past the cars to know who it was. A tingling sensation on my neck told me to be on alert. I knew exactly what these boys were capable of.

“Mia,” Kevin’s lips worded my name, but I couldn’t hear his voice. “What the fuck are you doing?” He asked finally using those deep throaty vocal cords God had blessed him with.

Kevin hadn’t changed at all. I expected him to be dead or have moved on from the club. Instead, he was still here wearing a cut that showcased his new status as well as his muscular arms. I looked into those brown eyes and for a split second I was lost to him. My lungs forgot how to breathe as he ran a hand through his dark hair. I stared as each strand seemed to fall back into place in slow motion. It was begging me to run my fingers through it. I wanted to just mold myself to him and let him make everything better.

Then I remembered exactly why it was so hard to leave. I remember every agonizing detail of what happened. Memory lane was filled with reasons to draw my weapon and shoot him between the eyes and maybe then they would call me Karma.

“I have a warrant,” I held up the paper feeling a new type of frustration about all of this. Someone else should have come and got him, but when my partner offered, I wouldn’t allow it. I wouldn’t even let Shane out of the car. I allowed myself to believe this would be a simple in and out arresting.

“This warrant is for Douglas “Mad Dog” Spencer. I’m here to take him in since no one else seems to be able to do that,” I aimed my words at the Sheriff who had claimed he couldn’t find him.

“Are you fucking serious?” Kevin looked pissed. As he ran his hand through his dark hair once more, it fell back into place as though it was trained. It was the signal he used when he wanted to tell me he had been thinking of me when we weren’t allowed around each other. It used to mean he loved me. Now it only showed frustration.

“Serious as a heart attack!”

“Prospects,” Kevin bellowed. “This woman is a traitor to our club. Let this be a lesson, that a gorgeous woman can also be the fucking devil. Great in the fucking sheets, evil on the fucking streets. She left the club without a vote and sent some of us to prison because we were late for date night,” his sardonic words made the members smile, but not me.

“That is not what happened,” I argued as my hand neared my gun and a shadow figure behind Kevin moved further into the sunlight.

“What do we do with backstabbers?”

“We shoot them in the face,” the juveniles answered and drew their weapons.

“This is your answer,” I scoffed. “I didn’t come for you, but I can take you in for threatening a Federal Agent,” I narrowed my eyes as my fingers itched to pull my gun.

“Wouldn’t be the first time you put me in prison, would it?” He was bitter, but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of showing anything except vexation.

“No, it wouldn’t, but you obviously learned nothing the first time,” I snarled.
