Page 363 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Men, do we ever forgive, forget, or forfeit what someone has done against our home, our community, or our family?”

“No sir,” the prospects answered nearly in unison.

“Do we stand together against all enemies no matter how good their ass looks in a skirt?”

“Yes sir,” the guys yelled as I heard the sound of at least twenty officers pulling their guns and putting them on Kevin.

“This is how you treat me, after all the time that has passed?”

“You should consider yourself blessed you aren’t lying there with a bullet in your head. You broke the rules, you left the club, you left your family, and then you committed the ultimate act that cannot be forgiven!” Kevin’s words deepened as he narrowed his eyes at me. “It’s not my call what happens to you, yet. That’s on the man you’re looking for.”

“May the Biker Babes in the sky be on your side and give great head before you stand before their boss at the chrome gates.” Dagger followed up with his version of a biker’s prayer.

“Sheriff Denny,” Kevin called over the Sheriff. He walked up behind me, tipping his hat as he walked to the fence. Kevin walked down and spoke to him. Then the Sheriff gave me another nod before waving his finger in the air telling his men to leave.

“What the fuck?” I growled.

“They protect the town and we protect them,” the Sheriff answered as Kevin smirked. Then he turned and took a few steps back from the gate. A car beside him revved to life and backed out of the way.

“You’re wearing Tavern’s cuff,” I rhetorically asked as I noticed the silver diamonds on the black leather that carried the original club insignia. I had sewn it back on with green thread when Tavern fell off his bike once and it was torn off.

“Yeah, I am. I wanted to make sure some part of him still got to ride with us. It was the least I could do after you killed him,” his lips formed a straight line as indignation stoked a fire in me.

“I didn’t kill anyone,” I shook my head, pulled my gun, and shot the lock on the fence. I heard the car door open and held up a hand to Shane to tell him to wait. I didn’t need backup I needed for them to grow up. “Mad Dog has sixty seconds to come out or I am coming in to get him.”

“Boss,” Dagger whisper-yelled “I think she’s riding the crimson river. She didn’t even like my cock-fan,” his sardonic humor left a lot to be desired. “We can’t kill her, not till she stops bleeding. I don’t want her haunting me with PMS.”

“Don’t worry Dagger, we won’t shoot her,” Kevin then whistled, and a large number of bikers walked forward with their weapons. “She doesn’t want a war. She’s like a cowardly snake. She just strikes and runs, only this time she’s outnumbered.”

“Agent Preston,” Shane yelled as he stepped out of the car and pulled his gun out, but I ignored it.

“Want to shoot me, then shoot me, because on my way to hell I am grabbing your cut and taking you with me,” I growled and took a step forward pointing my gun at Kevin.

“You always did like to grab my cut.” Kevin’s words inflamed my cheeks and the rage in my veins.

“So, you want to spend eternity with us? Did you miss us that much?” Dagger pried as my blood boiled. I had enough of their bullshit. This needed to end.

“I have a warrant. I have the power, and the resources to rain down hell fire on you and your compound. Give me the boss, and keep your clique, or hide him and I will kill you on my way in.”

“Stop!” The shadow in the distance yelled and then stepped out from around the last car sitting near the fence gate. There he stood with the light casting a glow around him. Douglas Spencer in the flesh. He had aged as most of us had in the years since I left the club with everything I could carry. He wore dark circles under his eyes, it was a familiar sight to me since he always looked like that. It was his inability to take care of himself. “Karma,” he called to Kevin, and then they had a silent conversation. With the wave of a hand Kevin made the boys go back to their homes with their guns put away.

Then Kevin walked down to the fence. He slid it to the side and opened his hand. I put my gun in its holster, and went to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist and held it.

“You want to take a lick?” He asked. “Then try it, sweetheart, but I hit back.”

“No, you don’t,” I called his bluff. He might be an asshole, but as far as I knew he always stuck to the morals his family had taught him before he got caught up with the bikers.

“You slap my face, I spank your ass.” His eyes danced with the dare to see if I would do it. I was ashamed that I had to stop myself because some part of me wanted him to do it. The thought of his hand, spanking me, in nothing but his cut had my cheeks warming and Kevin smirked in response.

“You would never hurt me,” I allowed my voice to calm.

“That’s an assumption I wouldn’t make.”

I couldn’t tell the seriousness or severity of his statement. Was he being honest, was I actually in danger, or did he just want me too nervous to collect the boss?

“Let me see the warrant,” he ordered with a serious glare, but winked when I handed it to him. My eyes locked with his as he passed it over to Doris, who sounded like her better days were behind her. The smell of alcohol was coming out of her pores as her blood shot eyes showed me this life was killing her.

I was stuck on stupid staring into those eyes of Kevin’s. Those brown eyes of his made me miss him, miss the person he used to be.
