Page 369 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Kevin,” I growled. “Harris is waiting for me. Let me go.”

I pushed my hand against Kevin’s chest where I used to lay my head and watched him look down at the ring that flickered in the light as it rose and fell with every breath he took. Kevin pretended he didn’t see it and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Saw you on television the night before you came and got your dad,” he admitted. “Thought I had died and was seeing Heaven when you showed up at my gate the next day.”

“Kevin,” I sighed as he leaned in closer.

"Are you really with that tool?” Kevin questioned, as I looked deep into his eyes. I leaned forward, getting closer to his face, and placed my lips barely an inch above his.

“Yes. I. Am.”

“Why?” Kevin moved in closer. My breath hitched; he was so close that any shift in the Earth would have his lips on mine.

“He takes care of me.”

“I took care of you,” Kevin replied instantly.

“He loves me,” I tried to hide the blush moving up my cheek from Kevin’s hands tightening their grip.

“I loved you,” Kevin spoke the words I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t allow them to penetrate my ears or my heart. I shut them down and immediately went defensive.

“I never have to pretend with him,” I sarcastically replied as I elbowed him, and he released me. He leaned over in the chairs and put on a show that would have gotten him a standing ovation on Broadway.

“She wounds me,” he gasped. “Every time I get near her, she assaults me. Surely, there is a police officer somewhere in the jail to put her behind bars,” he continued. I turned to leave when he pulled my hand and I turned back.

“You’re an asshole,” I chastised him as I straightened my clothes.

“Well, you’re a liar so I guess we are cut from a similar cloth,” he seemed proud of himself.

“Who am I lying to?” I questioned.

“Yourself. You seem to think that if you tell yourself that pencil pusher out there is the one for you that he will magically be the one, but we both know I’m the one. You will never find better than me.”

“Your ego has grown, but your maturity hasn’t it seems.”

“That’s not all that grows when you’re around,” he smirked as he looked down and my eyes followed to see the outline of his cock on his jeans.

“He’s good to me and I don’t have to fake it with him,” I threw down the challenge to his manhood and Kevin took the bait.

He let me go as I stepped away from him. I turned to go out the door when I heard him stand up and walk quickly behind me. Suddenly two arms went past my shoulders, holding the door shut to my front while a hard biker stood behind me with his lips near my neck as he spoke.

“You never faked it, Mia. Not with me. I can still feel your pussy tightening down on me, begging my cock to stay in you, rippling around my length as your muscles constricted and cut off my blood flow. I can still feel your body milking my head as I rode you down each gut wrenching, fist tightening, toe curling, wave of ecstasy. I still dream about the screams you cried out and the way it was never enough, the way you always needed more of me. You became an addict and I was your fix. Whatever we have become to each other, at least give me the courtesy of being honest with me.”

I turned and looked around him to see that Maggie and two other female guards were fanning themselves from his words. I rolled my eyes and looked him right in the eye.

“You want me to tell you the truth?” I questioned.

“Don’t I deserve it?”

“The truth is I’m a good person and I do good things and you only do bad things. You are the guy dads keep their daughters from, you make me a sinner just by existing around me, and you never deserved me.”

“And that jack off does?” Kevin locked his jaw and stepped back, anticipating my response.

“Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. What matters is that whoever gets me isn’t you.”

“You arrested your dad knowing I would come out here too. You did all of this for revenge. Why not be like the other crazy ass biker whores and set shit on fire?” Kevin was pushing my buttons. “I wonder what your statement says. Are you lying to them the way you’re lying to me now?”

“I’m going to do you a favor and tell you what isn’t known to everyone yet. Mad Dog isn’t coming out of lockdown until the judge approves a transfer to a Federal facility. He is now wanted in three states on drug trafficking and one state for murder. It’s amazing what you can imply in a statement. Waiting for him like a good little lap dog is pointless,” I was as honest as I could be without giving too much away. There was no way to bring up the fact that I was going to dangle my dad out for Kane without some kind of club lashing.
