Page 377 of Dangerous as Sin

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She’d tipped them off. Sun above, they were all monsters! At that moment, as I bucked and writhed to save myself from his clutches, I learned that a handsome face meant nothing. Evil came in all packages.

I pounded my fists on his thighs, to no avail. He was too big, too strong for the likes of me. I refused to give up and kept hitting.

He growled, “Stop hitting me.”

I bit down on his finger, causing him to pull his hand from my mouth. “I won’t stop until you put me down and tell me where Emmaline is.”

The rumble of his amused chuckle vibrated through my spine, and I hated that it somehow thrilled me.

“Dream on, little creature.”

“Don’t call me that. I’m not some kind of animal.”

“Could’ve fooled me with the way you’re behaving.”

“Why am I here?” I kept screaming, but he didn’t answer. I could hear the others chuckle like this was a joke to them. There was nothing funny about this.

A maelstrom of fear, worry, and rage swirled through me. But defiance won.

Fuck this piece of shit. The reason I was here was to protect the princess at all costs. I would find and rescue her before figuring out a way to get us out of this realm.

My hand went for his crotch. I fisted his package and squeezed as hard as I could, while stomping on his foot with all my might.

He groaned in agony, and the second he let me go so he could cup his balls and cry like the bitch he was; I took my chance. Scrambling backward, I pulled his dagger out of my girdle pouch. “Stay away from me,” I panted, pointing the dagger in their direction. “You stay away from me or you’ll regret it.”

They all laughed. I never imagined someone’s myrrh could enrage me. Blood boiling, I backed up a few more paces, though I really wanted to rush them and slit their throats. “Walk away, now.”

I kept stepping backward until I made it onto the street. They followed, all of them laughing, except the asshole demon, uncaring of the growing number of people staring.

“Help! These men have kidnapped me!” I made eye contact with a group of young males across the street. “What are you standing there for? Help me,” I yelled through gritted teeth.

But no one moved a muscle.

My words fell on deaf ears as they all bowed their heads and continued on their way.

The men chuckled again. “We are the authority. They will not listen to you,” the shadow demon said as he stepped out from behind his minions.

Hopelessness tasted bitter as it spread through me. How would I ever get out of this? How would I ever find Emmaline and get us out of this?

I stood on shaky legs, still pointing the dagger at them as the shadow demon took a few steps forward. I turned and ran for my life. But within seconds, someone yanked me back by my hair before punching my temple so hard I saw stars, and I succumbed to darkness.



Loud banging jolted me awake. I was curled up on the floor in front of the metal door.

The shadow demon stood in front of me along with two guards I hadn’t seen. His stare was ice cold, like he wanted to murder me. The devious smirk on his face told me he was looking forward to torturing me. “Tie her hands behind her back.”

“What? why?”

“Do you really need to ask?”

Rage bubbled up at rapid speed inside me.

“You have a propensity to escape and beat people up. I won’t fall for that again.”

“I only beat people after they’ve attacked me. You deserved it.”
