Page 380 of Dangerous as Sin

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He laid his carefully folded jacket on the back of an ornate chair and prowled toward the bed. My muscles tightened with renewed fear as I watched him pull his dagger and approach the head of the bed until he stood a foot away from me.

“What are you doing?” My voice was firm but with an edge of terror as I scooted on my knees to the other edge of the bed, desperate to get away from him. I put one foot on the ground, but he was fast, snatching up my dress and hauling me back onto the bed. He trapped my legs between his thighs as he sat back, dagger in hand, eyes intense and calculating.

A scream tore out of me as I tried to sit up and escape, but he wouldn’t budge, hovering over me until our faces were but inches away. “Stay still.”

“Fuck you!”

The smirk on his full lips made my blood boil. “I just may take you up on that.”

My body froze, though I couldn’t deny my insides burned with the intrusive images playing in my mind. “You wish.”

He chuckled but said nothing as he once again sat up above me, dagger in hand. “Stubborn little creature.” That’s all he said before he swiftly ran the blade down the center of my bustier, from top to bottom, until the fabric fell away at my sides, revealing my breasts to him.

“What the fuck!” I bucked with all my strength, trying to get him off me, but it was no use. “I’ll scream!”

“No one will hear you, nor will they care.”

I writhed, trying to sit up, but he scooted further up my body until his knees clamped on either side of my rib cage. The terror in my veins was unimaginable, but my disappointment was just as palpable, because a part of me thought he was better than this. That he wouldn’t be capable of violating someone, even if he was bad enough to kidnap and cause bodily harm.


With the bustier gone, he scooted back down to my legs, cutting off my gold belt, skirt, and undergarments as he went.

Tears slid down my face as I braced for the inevitable. He’d win, but I would go down fighting, and maybe twist his balls so hard I’d leave him barren for the rest of his miserable life. “Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me.”

He said nothing, instead sheathing the dagger before taking each half of my dress and finishing to rip it off me, until I was naked. And mortified.

His hungry gaze roved over me, lingering on my breasts. The hard bob of his Adam’s apple revealed his arousal. And even though I didn’t want what he was about to do, I was wet between the legs. Part of me wanted him, as crazy as that sounded, but I wanted to have a choice. There was no way I’d ever be okay with being forced, and I knew my attraction to him would die the moment he forced himself on me.

The demon planted his hands on either side of my head, his entire body hovering over me, and I braced myself, waiting for my chance to fuck him up and get away. My eyes never left his as he approached, his vibrant green eyes darkening with his approach. He inhaled deeply, his face morphing with anger before he growled so ferociously, it was the most masculine thing I’d ever seen or heard in my life.

It took me tremendous effort not to moan at his feral display of hotness, but I held it back.

“Now be a good little girl for me and get dressed.”



I stared unapologetically.

I’d seen many naked females in my one hundred and thirty-one years of life—both women I fucked and the mystics I captured to fulfill my father and uncle’s plans to take over the realms.

But as I watched her get off the bed, face flushed and eyes enraged, I couldn’t deny this female had a body that defied space and time. Her skin, smooth and tan from the sun, her hair bright like Aurora, falling in luscious locks around her shoulders, and those damn tits my mouth was watering over.

She looked up, staring daggers at me. One hand trying to cover her breasts, the other covering that sweet spot between her legs.

I didn’t know her name, but it didn’t matter. With those looks, her potty mouth, and that delicious scent, she was the most enticing female I’d ever met, and my dick was begging me to do something about it.

“Turn around.”

Her request was so asinine, I quirked an eyebrow. I cut her clothes off her body and my eyes had feasted on her beauty, so why would she want to hide from me now?

Crossing my arms, I let my gaze rake over her delicious body.

The growl that came out of her was so fierce, my dick perked up. Her feistiness was an aphrodisiac to me. “Turn the fuck around or I won’t get dressed.”

I wasn’t opposed to her not getting dressed, but Murmur, the King of Hell, was waiting.
