Page 381 of Dangerous as Sin

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I stepped forward, closing the distance between us. Eyes widening with renewed alertness, she went back until she hit the wall, still doing her best to cover herself.

Placing a hand on either side of her head, I looked down at her beautiful face. Those blue orbs were hypnotizing, and they looked even better, filled with fear and anger. “I think you do not know the meaning of the word captive. Being a captive means you have no rights and you never will again now that you’re here, and will go into service for my father and uncle.”

Her entire body shuttered; eyes wide with absolute terror. I wanted to revel in it. But a pinch of guilt squeezed my heart, rendering me unable to enjoy the moment.

“What do you mean? What kind of service?”

“I think you know.”

Letting go of her need for modesty, she pushed me away, her warm hands on my chest making me want to bend her over and do unspeakable things to her. “I’m not a whore and I will never be one.” She pushed me harder, effectively backing me up. “You didn’t even mean to kidnap me!” Push. “I’m just the stupid girl you had to bring along.”

I let her continue to push me backward, unwilling to tell her the truth.

“I’d rather die than do what you’re insinuating.”

Snatching her wrists off my chest, I pulled her forward until her tits pushed up against my shirt. She tried to pull away, so I wrapped an arm around her waist. Damn, her skin was soft. My cock was raging in my trousers, and a crazy desire to kiss her enveloped me, which I found strange because I didn’t kiss. I mostly had sex with prostitutes, as it was the best way to fulfill my physical needs without involving feelings. So, not only did I not kiss but the women I frequented had a no-kissing rule. It was a win-win. But as I took in this insanely sexy and fierce female, I couldn’t help but want to devour her. She drew me in. It was difficult to stay away from her.

I splayed a hand over her lower back. “Yes, it’s true you just piggybacked onto your princess’s kidnapping. But you may have just as much value.”

“How? How am I valuable to your uncle, whoever that is?”

“You don’t know who my uncle is?”

“Of course not,” she hissed. “I didn’t even know I was in Raetia. Am I even in Raetia?”


“So, who the fuck is your uncle?”

Her dirty mouth was so enticing, I couldn’t help but smirk. “Murmur is my uncle; Malthus is my father.”

Her face paled, and she looked like she might faint. “The Demon King.” Her voice was but a whisper, her breathing heavy and erratic.

“One of them. My father is also a king.”

“That makes you… a prince of the Stygian.”

“I prefer Prince of Hell.”

“What does he want with me? I’m a nobody.”

“Ah, but you are a somebody, aren’t you, little creature?”

“What do you mean? I have no powers. I’m just a stupid mortal female with nothing to offer except for gardening skills and healing elixirs!” She was so frantic I let her go, watching as she paced the room, arms flailing about her, as if she’d forgotten she was naked. Not that I was complaining. I frowned. Did she not know? My eyes guzzled on her supple curves. “You are female, but mortal, you are not.”

She huffed. “Whatever.” Turning to face me, she waved a disapproving finger at me, as if I was a child she’d caught red-handed in the cookie jar. “Don’t lie to me. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You don’t know me.”

I grabbed her finger, then her wrist, once again pulling her until our bodies were flushed. Lowering my head, I trailed my nose over the smooth skin of her elegant neck, delighting in the shiver she gave. “I may not know you, but I can smell you, and you don’t smell like any mortal I’ve ever met.”

Her eyes widened in shock. She thought she was some mortal with no mystic ability.

Her scent threw me into a tailspin. It was unmatched by mystics or mortals. It made my dick impossibly hard. Still gripping her tight, I ground my hardness against her quivering body. “Now get dressed, before I lose all control and fuck you against the wall.”

When I lifted my head to look at her, I could swear her eyes had glazed over with lust. But then she gritted her teeth, her nostrils flaring, making her look even more attractive.

Bloody hell, I wanted her. But my uncle awaited, and there was a reason I was his number one, even above his own son.

I let her go and stepped back, jamming both hands into the pockets of my trousers. “You are no mortal, but you are also not nameless. I think it’s time you tell me your name.”
