Page 384 of Dangerous as Sin

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I glared. “What about Emmaline?”

“The princess isn’t your problem anymore.”

“The hell she isn’t.” I dropped my arms, fisting my hands with all my indignation. “She will always be my problem.”

He frowned, staring at me as if pondering something. “Why are you so loyal to her? Aren’t you tired of being a maid and a servant to this capricious, spoiled child?”

Scoffing, I opened my mouth to speak, closed it, opened it again, and then shut it completely because his words had left me reeling. Which only made him keep going.

“I would think you’d be happy to be rid of her by now.”

“I’ll never be happy to be rid of her. I don’t consider myself a maid or a servant. She’s my best friend. She’s the sister I never had, and you’re going to let her go.” He threw his head back with laughter, and it sounded so fucking good I wanted to be buried with the sound in a perpetual loop. Something was wrong with me. My entire body froze when he stalked my way. He towered over me despite my height. I looked up to meet his gaze. His hand came up to grab my jaw. I grabbed his wrist, but that only helped him lift me off the floor slightly. “You sure have big balls for such a defenseless little mortal as you pretend to be. But don’t worry. I will torture the powers out of you. I will make you hurt so badly, you’ll have no choice but to use your abilities to defend yourself, and finally reveal yourself to me. And then, I’ll make you yearn for my cock so badly, you’ll want nothing else out of your miserable life but to be fucked by me, and fuck you, I will.”

Sun above, this was too much.

“In your dreams.”

“Then let’s end this charade and get moving. Once the king meets you, we’ll figure out how to use you.”

I sucked in a harsh breath. “Figure out how to use me?”

He let go of my face, and I almost lost my balance. He walked to the ornate chair by the giant bed. “Well, if you have powers, whatever they may be, I’m sure they can be put to good use.” He picked up his jacket, turning back as he unfolded it. “Murmur is amassing an army of mystics.”


Reaver slid an arm into the jacket. “He wants to conquer all the realms, including the Island of Anathema.”

I chuckled because what he was saying was preposterous. “No one can do that. The Aurora would never allow it.”

He slid his other arm into the jacket. “No one has seen the Aurora in a millennium. The Aurora doesn’t exist. It’s a myth. A joke.”

“Well, that may be true, but the angels would never allow it.”

He buttoned the front of his jacket, which fit him like a glove. “More and more angels are turning dark. Falling from the Auroran City. And if they go dark long enough, they turn into demons.”

My jaw dropped. I’d heard of this before, but the people in my realm loved to kiss angel ass, so no one believed it. “That’s not true.”

“Oh? Well, I guess you’re right. After all, who am I to speak on the matter? I’m only the spawn of a fallen angel.”


“Yes. My father is one. Murmur was a fallen angel, too. And look at him now.”

The blood drained from my face. Everyone in my realm always put so much faith in the angels, believing they were our only hope against the Stygian’s darkness. “No way,” I whispered.

“Yes way. Don’t count on the angels. They won’t be there for you. This is an easy fight. Murmur has had no rivals. No one is standing up to him.”

“Trust me, I’m not bowing to him.”

“Do you really believe a puny mortal is going to stand up to the mighty Stygian King?”

“The mighty Stygian King?” I quirked an eyebrow, unable to believe my ears. “Isn’t that Luc?”

“You don’t believe fallen angels exist, but you believe in Luc?”

I said nothing because he was challenging everything my parents and the royals had taught me. “I was told Luc was not a fallen angel, but the first demon, made by The Aurora to create a balance in the world.”

The demon huffed, rolling his eyes as if I was the dumbest person in the realms. “Luc is the King of the Abyss, Murmur will be the King of all the realms, and he will rule with the power of The Stygian within him.”
