Page 411 of Dangerous as Sin

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"Sorry. No can do." Out of nowhere Bruce finally showed up and I sighed in relief. About freaking time. "Sash, it's time for you to go get ready. You're up next."

The guy who wanted a lap dance lit up. "Ooh. You gonna dance for me, baby?" I cringed at the way he slurred his question and I scooted away as fast as I could. The only thing I hated about this work were men like him. Wasn't it possible to do this job without the cliches?

By the time I emerged onto the stage, I was focused on the music and in the zone. At first the low din of the customers pulled my attention, but I forced them out of my mind and put everything I had into the dance. It didn't take me long to get lost as my body moved to the beat.

The lights were bright in my eyes, making it easier to forget I wasn't alone. Not even the subtle touches of a bill being slipped into my G-string was enough to pull me out of the zone. Those simply served as a reminder that they were enjoying my performance.

I closed my eyes and pictured someone else. Salt and pepper hair, mesmerizing green, denim wrapped around what had to be the most perfect ass I'd ever seen. I let my imagination run loose and my senses take completely over me.

Until I was yanked from that beautiful scene by a hand on my hip, gripping me tightly. My eyes flew open and I stumbled, trying to pull away from the too intimate touch that felt completely wrong. "Don't touch me," I hissed, more angry than I probably should have been. But he was leering at me, a cruel grin on his face, and a certainty in his eyes that he could not only touch me, but get away with it too.

I tried to back away, but he refused to let go.

Suddenly, a loud commotion sounded from the crowd and everything went almost silent for a few seconds. The man's grip on me loosened and I stumbled backwards as I caught site of JD stalking towards the man who had grabbed me.

The dark and angry look on his face startled me, and for a second I almost felt sorry for the guy about to face his wrath. That was my last thought before JD slammed his fist into the guy's face with a loud and obvious crunch.

I pulled my legs into my chest and away from them as the man he'd hit went down hard. JD towered over him, fury twisting his expression. "You ever lay a hand like that on one of my girls again and I'll kill you," he snarled.

The crowd remained silent for a few seconds more, until someone I couldn't see yelled, "Fuck yeah, mother fucker!" That got the crowd riled up and everyone started cheering.

But I couldn't tear my gaze away from JD. I'd never seen a man so angry and violent. Especially on my behalf. I was used to being on the receiving end. But this...

I was both terrified and exhilarated.

"Get this trash out of here," he ordered, before turning back to me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was soft, his face etched with concern.

I nodded, unable to find my voice right away. His eyes were dark and intense, not to mention focused solely on me, and for a moment I felt like maybe he could really see me. Me. But he blinked and whatever moment we were having, disappeared.

"I'll take care of this," he said, glancing at the man being hauled upright by two of his guys. "Go get cleaned up. You're done for the night."

I nodded, still unsure of what to say and turned away on shaky legs. The whole way off stage and while I changed my clothes in the dressing room I tried to think through what had just happened. The entire scene replayed in my head over and over. JD had come out of nowhere to rescue and protect me. My stomach swooped with an unexpected rush of excitement.

He'd hurt that man—for me.

I knew that he was dangerous. If it hadn't been clear before, Heather had certainly filled me in. But witnessing that little taste firsthand...

It should have been a warning, but instead my heart was pounding in my chest, and my body was humming with adrenaline. He'd awakened something in me and I wasn't sure I hated it. Of course, I still couldn't get involved with him. I was way out of his league and I was trying to uncomplicate my life. I needed to stay on the straight and narrow.

And yet.

"You ready to go?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice and clutched at my chest. "Jesus Christ, are you trying to scare me half to death?"

He gave me a half laugh, half rumble that vibrated all the way through me, setting each of my nerve endings jangling all over again. This man, he was—

"Wasn't trying to scare you. Just seeing if you were ready to go."

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion. "Go where? I thought you said I was done for the night."

"You are. Here. But you're going with me."

My stomach swooped again as I dared to ask, "Where?"

"A party." He grinned. "C'mon." He picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder and led me out the back door and directly into the employee parking lot where my sad little car sat among all the bikes and much nicer vehicles. He frowned at it. "That thing looks like a death trap.”
