Page 412 of Dangerous as Sin

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I shrugged. "It probably is. But at least it gets me from point A to point B easy enough."

He shook his head and dumped my bag into the side pocket of one of the biggest motorcycles I'd ever seen. "Well, tonight, I'm driving."


"Don't worry. I'll have one of the guys drive it over and it will be at your disposal when you're ready to go home. Okay?"

I nodded, unsure what else I was supposed to say so I blurted out the only thought I had. "What party are we going to?"

"Club party. We're celebrating. Everyone is going to be there at some point tonight, so you might as well come and meet them. You're part of the family now."

"Excuse me?" I could not have heard him correctly.

"Babe," he said softly. "Wrath is family. That includes everyone who works for us. And that's you now."

I stood there staring at him as he straddled his bike and sat there waiting. I literally had no words.

"What's wrong? You never been on a bike before?" I shook my head. "Well, that's no problem. You climb up and hang on. That’s it. I do all the driving."

I'm sure I wasn't supposed to read anymore into that than exactly what he'd said, but as I settled behind him on the big bike, and it roared to life, I couldn't help but picture him driving.

"You have to hold on tighter than that," he said, as he grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his stomach.

It was impossible not to notice the hard planes of toned abs underneath his shirt. Or the fact he was pressed tightly between my legs. And the bike was vibrating. Holy crap. This felt as intimate as...



By the time we pulled into the club compound, my skin was on fire from having Sasha on my bike holding on for dear life. At first it had seemed like no big deal. We weren't going that far, and after seeing that man grab her on stage, I needed to keep her close for a while. Bruce and I were going to have a little chat tomorrow about what went wrong.

I paid a shit ton of money for top notch security at my places and bullshit like that should never happen. Good thing we'd been on our way home when he'd called and we got there as quick as we did.

Some of the other guys were going to be late to the party now though. I'd left several behind to take out the trash and make sure that scenario never happened again.

The prospect at the gate tipped his head in greeting as we drove through the front entrance and headed straight for the main clubhouse. Which was actually an old lumber sawmill facility that we'd converted. I had a momentary thought to take Sasha to my cabin set back in the woods behind the clubhouse, but that would have been a very bad idea.

Bringing her here in the first place was probably a mistake, but I'd deal with that decision tomorrow. Tonight we were going to celebrate with as much of our family as we could. I rolled my bike to an easy stop in my usual spot and cut the engine.

As soon as I lifted Sasha off the back of my bike, I could see the questions in her eyes. She had that look of wide-eyed wonder so many often did the first time they got an inside look at our operation.

"Wow. This place is a lot bigger than it looks from the front gate." I smirked at how spot on I'd been about what was running through her head.

"We like our privacy, and for most people it's best they don't know what we have back here." My tone came out harsher than I'd intended, and she jerked her head back to meet my gaze.

"You didn't have to bring me here. I was fine back at the club. That was not the first time someone's gotten too handsy and I doubt it will be the last. Lots of jerks with entitlement issues in this world."

"That doesn't mean they get away with touching my girls. I pay too much money to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Your girls?" Her face went soft and her eyes got a little dreamy as she sucked her lips between her teeth. I was going to have to watch my words around this one or she was definitely going to get the wrong idea.

"Yeah. When you work for Wrath you become ours. And in The Diamond anything less than a safe working environment for each and every employee is unacceptable. I won’t tolerate disrespect in my house.”

When her expression fell a little, I gripped her chin and tilted her head until her eyes met mine again. "We don't exactly live a safe life here. But every member patched in to the club or prospecting in the hopes of earning a patch understands that and they sign up for it. The girls don't. So we take safety and security beyond seriously. Thanks to Tel and his genius level computer skills, we've got next level shit. Which means guys like that dick back at the club don't get away with that bullshit he pulled."

"I didn't think he got away with anything. He was bleeding all over the place." She sounded amused, but I still wasn't feeling it. Whether she realized it or not, she could have been hurt. I looked over at the door to the club house and then back to her. I should not have brought her here. What I should have done was fire her ass. It was the only real way to ensure her safety.

But no, I let me dick do my talking and I brought her here. To my home. Where I knew damn well what would happen when we walked through those doors. Because I couldn't keep her out of my head. I was obsessed with touching her. And as far as I could see there was only one way to exorcise an obsession.

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