Page 413 of Dangerous as Sin

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"I know what you saw earlier was intense. But it's also the reality of working for a club like this. We aren't wearing three-piece suits and sitting idly by on our asses while our club is insulted. We're wild and ruthless and fiercely loyal. We take care of our own problems, in our own way. It's not always easy, and violence is not unusual."

"I know that," she said, her eyes wide with what looked like trepidation.

"If you want I can take you home. It's not too late." It would suck but probably best for us both.

"I thought you said we were going to a party."

"We were. I mean we are. But you can make the choice not to go. It doesn't have to change anything."

She looked up at me, pure innocence shining from her eyes. "Why would anything change? It's just a party, right?"

I stared back at her dumbfounded. If she didn't understand what this meant then I damned well had no business bringing her here. I'd ruined innocence once, and I sure as hell didn't have the right to do it again.

She started laughing. "I'm kidding. I'm not stupid. And I've been working for you for a week. People talk. A lot. Especially about your clubhouse." She waggled her eyebrows.

I shook my head and sighed. "Bitches round here need a lesson in discretion."

Her smile faded. "That's not nice."

It was my turn to bark with laughter. "Babe. There is nothing nice about me and my guys. That should have been your first lesson, but if I didn't make that clear tonight, I can certainly work on it."

"Well, why bother with worrying about anyone's safety if you're just going to treat them bad and call them bitches? Your employees deserve better than that."

What the fuck? I shook my head in disbelief. "You can't get your panties in a twist every time you hear one of us use a word like bitches. Around here it's a unilateral term that is more often used affectionately than derogatorily. Read the tone before you make assumptions. Do I look pissed off?"

She didn't look one hundred percent convinced, but that was her issue, not mine. She either took us as we were or she could leave. Everyone had a choice. We didn't force our lifestyle onto anyone.

"I don't know what to say," she admitted rather hesitantly. "This is really new. I guess I just need some time to get used to it is all."

"I understand that. This life is not for everyone, but it's what we've chosen. And if you decide to stay, you'll need to be prepared for anything. Just know that no matter what happens, I'm going to have your back," I said, my voice firm.

She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I guess I'm nothing if not adaptable. Can we focus on the party aspect of this now? I've had enough drama for one day." A small smile tipped up the corners of her mouth and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Hell yeah. It's been a long fucking day and I'm ready for a break." I offered my arm. "Let's go have some fun."

As we walked into the clubhouse, I sensed the energy in the room had changed and I finally felt a little of the weight from the night lifting off my shoulders. My brothers and their old ladies, as well as the other club girls welcomed Sasha into the fold, and she quickly found herself surrounded by people, laughing and having a good time.

I watched from a distance as she smiled and let herself be pulled into the party. It seemed in less than a week she was already making a mark here, and not just on me.

She'd stayed, and she seemed to want to fit into this life. She didn't know it, but I was grateful for that. My employees were never just employees to me. We were tied together in more ways than a simple exchange of services. I looked around at all the people gathered together.

The music was loud, the alcohol flowed freely, and people were laughing and dancing. We were family. And tonight was a turning point for all of us. It was the beginning of a new chapter in our club, and I was ready for it.

"Hey." My VP dropped his ass into the chair next to mine and blocked my immediate view of Sasha across the room.

"Don't fucking hey me. What am I? Your fucking sister?" I smiled when I said it, but Axel smirked at me anyways.

"Excuse the fuck out of me, old man. You too busy eye fucking the new girl to talk to me?"

I desperately wanted to wipe the shit eating grin off of his face, but the only way to end this was to ignore it. Axel was up my ass all the time about settling down and setting an example for our guys. He'd half appointed himself my bitch match maker.

"I'm not into children." I inwardly cringed at my own words, but no way was I letting him get any ideas about Sasha and me.

He turned and looked at the woman in question. "There ain't nothing childlike about her. Besides, Tel already told me she's twenty-four. Although I don't blame you for checking. She does look young and ripe."

If he didn't shut up soon, he was going to find my fist smashed into his pretty face. VP or not, I didn't have to listen to him talk like that.

"You gotta point for coming over here and breaking up my peace and fucking quiet?"
