Page 98 of Dangerous as Sin

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She’s trembling, inside and out. Perhaps she never truly came out of climax.

With the death-lock she has around my waist, it’s not easy, but shoving my hand between us, I slither fingers back down toward the vee of her thighs. She chuckles as she realises my intention, then hisses as I settle thumb and forefinger around her clit. Circling around the small slippery shaft, is easy. She’s spilling honey, hot and slick, lubricating the movement. With every circuit, Katya’s response intensifies.

And so does mine.

Her cries grow once more, hardening me further. Thrusting deep now, pummelling her inside, loving her inside and out with my body, I work to draw a second climax from her.

The pressure’s growing, becoming unbearable,

But I want it to last,

To continue…

I want more.

But it’s coming…

The rising Rush…

The moment of inevitability…

The dam bursts…

And I fall, headfirst, into a crashing climax.

It’s explosive, completely uncontrolled and almost unbearably sweet. Pulsing myself into her, heaving my air into her mouth, barking something incoherent, as I come, on the edge of my awareness, I hear her coming too, feel her writhing and thrashing under me in our shared sexual paroxysm…

With a final explosive blow, I’m done. Abruptly exhausted, every muscle limp, I drop.

“Wah!” She reacts under me. “Hickman, you weigh a fucking tonne.”

“Sorry.” Sheepishly, I roll to one side, lying on my back, blowing like a surfaced whale. She too lies still, save for her panting, face up to the heavens.

Spent, I wait for the hammering under my ribs to calm. For the black dots behind my eyes to fade. For the drumming inside my ears to quieten.

Sneaking a look sidelong…

Will she tell me to go?

Experimentally, I slip an arm under her shoulders. Katya rolls into my embrace, snuggling close, muffled against my chest. “That was wonderful. Thank you.”

“Thank me? Thank you, Katya.”

She lifts clear, smiling up at me, then pecks a kiss onto my mouth. “It’s not a competition. Why don't we just agree that we both enjoyed it?”

I peck the kiss back. “No problem there.”

She lies, silent in my arms for a while, then, “You took me by surprise.”

“Surprise? What surprise?”

“The way you make love. I didn't expect you to be… To be such a gentleman. Or for that matter, such a gentle man.”

I snort. “You mean, I look like a thug, so I must behave like one? Wham. Bam. Thank you, Ma’am?”

“That's about the size of it,” she admits.

“You gave yourself to me. I wanted it to be good for you. I tried to…”
