Page 110 of Don't Back Down

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“You visited him in prison,” Howard said.

She shrugged. “There’s no law against that.”

“No, but there are laws against human trafficking and kidnapping. We have the phone records between you and Biggers in which you text directions to a specific home to snatch a child, the meeting places and money offered for the delivery of said child, a three-year-old girl named Lili Glass who was stolen from her home by Danny Biggers with the intention of delivering her to you at a bar called Fuzzy Fridays near Jubilee, Kentucky.”

“No comment.”

Then Agent Pickard stepped in.

“When the drop didn’t happen, why did you run?” he asked.

Lindy shrugged. “No comment.”

“Who were you running from?” Pickard asked.

“No comment.”

“Then let me make a few comments that might encourage you to reconsider your silence. We know you are a member of a human trafficking ring. We know you are the lure. The hunter. You lead innocent young women into traps and those women are never seen again. But we also know what happens to people within your organization when the deliveries are made, and what happens to those people when they fail. Who’s your boss, Melinda? You weren’t just running from the law. You were running from your boss because you left evidence behind tying you to Lili Glass’s kidnapping. Your boss doesn’t like loose ends, does he?”

Lindy looked at her lawyer, then back at them. “You don’t have anything but a few texts and the word of some hookers. That won’t stand up in court.”

“Oh, we have plenty. You weren’t your boss’s only loose end. Kevin Vanzant is dead.”

Lindy gasped before she thought, and then tried to cover it up.

“I don’t know anyone by that name,” she said.

“How about Dewey Zane?” Howard asked. “He killed Vanzant under orders, and he’s sitting in prison awaiting trial, given he lives long enough to get there. Your name is on the boss’s hit list, too, isn’t it? That’s why you ran. Emily Payne has been arrested. And now we have you, and don’t assume you’ll be safe in jail, because Danny Biggers was found dead in his cell in a federal prison and we’re still trying to find out who got to him. So you’re not safe. You’ll never be safe as long as your boss is still out there giving orders to tie up his loose ends.”

Lindy’s head was spinning.Oh my God, oh my God. He’s wiping out everyone connected to him, and he’ll walk away without a worry.

She looked at Holder. He nodded.

“I want a deal,” she said.

“You give us everything. Names, contacts. Money drops. The people who bought the women. The parents who knowingly bought stolen children. We want it all, and in return the judge will take your cooperation into consideration when you’re sentenced. It’s either that or a cell in hell.”

“One question,” she muttered.

Howard shrugged. “You can ask.”

“How did you find me?” Lindy asked.

“Your ex-husband.”

Lindy rolled her eyes. “Rance Woodley? I’d almost forgotten he existed.”

“Your ex-husband is an officer of the law. You’re involved in human trafficking right under his nose, and you forgot? You’re two kinds of stupid, lady, and that was your mistake, too,” Howard said. “Now start talking. We need your boss’s name. Where he keeps his records. Where he banks the trafficking money. Who else is a part of the ring.”

“I need to pee,” Lindy said.

“Then talk fast, because you’re not leaving this room until your confession and information is on record.”

“That’s not fair,” she whined.

“That’s probably what all of your victims thought when they got drugged and turned into prostitutes.”

Holder frowned. “You have options. Make a choice,” he reminded her.
