Page 111 of Don't Back Down

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Lindy chose to talk.


It was nearing 3:00 p.m. when Rusty’s cell phone rang. She’d been cleaning and rearranging the pantry for over an hour, and Cameron had gone outside with Ghost, and then went after him when the dog flushed something out of the bushes and chased it into the barn.

Rusty wiped her hands and then grabbed her phone from the table. “Hello.”

“It’s me,” Howard said. “Lindy Sheets talked. It’s Jack Barton. I’ll fill you in on all the details after we get there, but we’re still more than thirty minutes out, and we have info Barton just bought a plane ticket online to Malaysia. He may already be spooked. The last thing we need is for him to disappear like Lindy Sheets. I need you and Pope at the campsite ASAP. Detain him for questioning, and ask Chief Warren and some of his officers for backup. We’ll land at the campground.”

“Yes, sir,” Rusty said. She dropped the phone in her pocket and ran outside, calling Cameron’s name.


Cameron had Ghost by the collar and was already leading him out of the barn. The critter he’d cornered in the barn had been a porcupine, and Ghost had come close to having a mouth full of quills.

He was giving Ghost a talking to when he heard the back door slam and saw Rusty running out. He could tell by the tone of her voice that something was wrong. He turned loose of Ghost’s collar and shouted, “Ghost! Go home!” and started running, with Ghost leading the way.

Ghost met Rusty in the yard, and Cameron was two steps behind.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Howard called. Lindy talked. It’s Barton, and we have to get to Barton’s campground now. They think he may be planning to bolt. Howard and Pickard are coming in by chopper. They want us to detain him for questioning until they get there.”

“Then we’re going in armed. Meet me at the Jeep,” he said.

They both raced into the house, Cameron going one way, Rusty another. She came running with her cell phone, her coat unzipped, leaving her handgun and shoulder holster in full view.

Cameron was loading Ghost into the Jeep when she jumped into the front seat. And while he was speeding down the drive, she was calling Sonny Warren’s cell.

Cameron was already on the blacktop and flying down the mountain when Warren answered.

“Chief Warren speaking.”

“Chief, this is Agent Caldwell. I need backup.”

She began explaining what was happening, and by the time she hung up, Cameron was already in Jubilee and on the street heading out of town.

They were on the two-mile stretch leading out to Barton’s campground when they began hearing sirens behind them. “We need to get there before Barton knows those sirens are for him,” Rusty said.

Cameron tightened his grip on the steering wheel and stomped the accelerator. One mile passed. The wheels were humming. The scenery was a blur, and then the campground came into view and Cameron slowed down enough to take the turn.

Barton was outside, throwing suitcases into his SUV when he saw them, and the moment he saw Rusty’s face, he turned and ran for the office.

“He knows!” Cameron said as they skidded to a halt, but Rusty was already out of the Jeep and running with her weapon drawn.

“Shit!” Cameron muttered, and opened the door. Ghost bolted after Rusty before he could stop him, and the race was on.


Jack had his desk drawer open and was reaching for his handgun when Rusty leaped into the doorway, still running, with her gun aimed straight at his chest.

“Hands up!” she shouted. “Now!”

“Like hell!” Jack yelled, and pulled out his weapon.

He didn’t see the dog until it was too late.

Ghost cleared the desk running, hit Jack hard against his shoulder, then clamped his teeth into the side of Jack’s face.
