Page 60 of Don't Back Down

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Patricia leaned back against the sofa. Tears were rolling down her face. “I always said this place is awful. I want to get away from here.”

Rusty sighed. “Unfortunately, Aunt Pat, what’s happening here is small potatoes compared to what’s already happening in the big cities. And not just across our nation, but across the world. Nowhere is really safe anymore. You have to always pay attention.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “What are you saying? What’s the big secret?”

“I’ll answer that, and you won’t have said a thing or have to confirm or deny,” Ray said. “The first thing that came to mind was human trafficking. Now. You go run yourself a tub full of bubbles and soak to your heart’s content. We’ll have dinner in an hour.”

Rusty gave him a grateful glance, then took her wine with her as she limped out of the room.

She started water running in the tub, added lavender-scented bath salts, and then made a call to Special Agent Howard.

“Hello, Caldwell.”

“Sir,” Rusty said. “This is just a quick call to update you. We bagged all the evidence on the murder scene. It was definitely not a random robbery. The only things taken after Vanzant was killed were his phone and laptop. There was a second laptop hidden beneath the wheel well of his car, and Vanzant had a trail cam on his campsite. If we’re lucky, it caught the killer. Everything is at the lab in Frankfort, including the deceased’s vehicle. I blew my own cover doing this, and I no longer feel comfortable staying here with my family in the hotel. There are too many strangers coming and going here, and I may have become a target. I can’t put my family or innocent people staying here in danger. If you still want me on-site, I’m going to have to move my location elsewhere.”

Howard frowned. “This is a problem. Let me make a few calls. I’ll get you out tonight after it’s dark.”

“Yes, sir,” Rusty said, then disconnected.

She turned off the water, then stripped and climbed into the tub. Sinking into the hot, steamy water soon began to ease her aches, while the scent of lavender swirled about her head.

She stayed in the tub until the water began to cool off, then got out and dried before dressing in sweats and returning to her family.

“Feeling better?” Patricia asked.

Rusty smiled. “Almost human again.”

Liz gave her a quick hug. “You have once again reminded me of what a dilettante I have become. I don’t have your guts or daring, but I feel the need to become a contributor to humanity.”

“We each do what we’re led to do, Cuz. You don’t owe anything to anyone but yourself. Remember that.”

“Dinner is on the way up,” Ray said, and led the way into the dining room, then seated his girls before settling into his chair.

The food arrived and was served at the table, and then the waiter left them to enjoy their meal. They were down to dessert when she broke the last of her news.

“I have new orders. I need to leave the hotel. My presence could put all of you and the guests at the hotel in jeopardy. I’ll be leaving tonight after it gets dark. The less fuss is made about it, the better for all of you.”

Ray was startled. “Really? We have security and—”

“Uncle Ray. You don’t want your guests in any way involved in this investigation. I know what I’m doing. Uncle Sam trusts me to do my job. You have to trust my instincts, too.”

“Done,” Ray said. “And don’t wait so long between visits next time.”

“Absolutely,” she said.

“You can’t leave without eating your dessert,” Liz said. “If there’s extra, I don’t have the willpower to leave it alone.”

Rusty laughed. “I think I can choke down that slice of key lime pie. It looks delicious.”

Patricia had sniffled and dabbed at her eyes all through the meal, and now hearing this was the last straw. “Everything is just so awful and ugly, and I hate to think of you involved in it,” she said, and started crying.

“Don’t cry, Aunt Pat. This is mild compared to most of what I’m sent out to do, but this time I won’t be alone. I’ll have Cameron Pope as a partner and my backup. I won’t be making some crazy call to my contact who might be hours away, hoping they can send in reinforcements in time. He’ll be with me,” Rusty said.

“Do you know where you’re going?” Patricia asked.

“Not yet. I’ll find out later. Now let’s eat pie before I have to go pack,” she said.

