Page 59 of Don't Back Down

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Rusty walked off the elevator into the penthouse, wanting nothing more than a hot bath and maybe a glass of wine. But the moment she arrived, her family came from every direction to meet her.

“You’re back! We’ve been so worried. We heard all kinds of sirens and then nothing,” Patricia said, and threw her arms around Rusty.

“She looks like hell, Mom. At least let her sit down,” Liz said.

Ray appeared at the end of the foyer. “Wine in the library, then a hot bath for you.”

Rusty was full of guilt and regret as she walked with them into the library, then plopped down in the first chair she came to.

“I’m so sorry. None of this was supposed to happen,” she said.

Ray handed her a glass of red wine. “It’s your favorite,” he said, gently pushing a wayward curl from the corner of her eye.

She took a sip, then looked up at the trio standing around her. “Right now, this looks like an inquisition, and I feel like I need to give my name, rank, and serial number, then clam up.”

“Oh! Sorry,” Ray said. “Everybody! Sit.”

They crowded together on the sofa across from where Rusty was sitting, anxiously waiting for her to explain.

They were so dear to Rusty, and she felt like she’d betrayed their hospitality, but this had to be said. “I am limited as to what I can tell you, but it’s fair to say I am not a clerk for the government. I am an undercover agent for the FBI and have been since college.”

Patricia gasped. Liz was in complete shock, and Ray nodded.

“I thought as much,” he said.

“I knew you suspected something,” Rusty said. “I did get injured. But not in a car wreck. I was on the job. I have been off duty recovering. And then I was ordered here. I was never supposed to reveal myself. It was just an info-gathering mission. I’d be safe, undeterred, and still get to see my family.”

“What’s going on here, or can you say?” Ray asked.

Rusty glanced up. “I’m getting to that. I was told before I left home that I would be working with a civilian familiar with the area. I balked. No agent wants that. But orders are orders. I arrived. My contact was going to meet me at lunch today. I didn’t know it was going to be someone I knew. Someone I fell in love with five years ago.”

“Cameron!” Liz said.

Rusty nodded.

“Why him?” Ray asked.

“Because his security clearance is as high as mine. Because he was special ops all through his tours of duty. Because he’s badass. None of which I knew until I read his file.”

“I may have to revise my rather prejudiced opinion of the locals who live up the mountain,” Ray muttered.

“At any rate, the reunion was a shock for both of us, and before we could even meet to coordinate anything, a person of interest was murdered at Jack Barton’s campground last night. His body was discovered this morning, and my hasty exit from lunch was Cameron calling to tell me about it. I had to notify my superiors. And because we needed to claim the crime scene to gather the evidence ourselves, I had to blow my cover. I officially identified myself to Police Chief Warren and Sheriff Woodley to claim the scene for the FBI.”

“Murdered! Oh my God!” Patricia cried. “What’s happening here? First that baby getting kidnapped, and now this!”

Ray was frowning. “And my missing employee? That’s why you asked for her info, wasn’t it? You want to know if her disappearance is part of this.”

“We have to follow all leads to eliminate what doesn’t fit,” Rusty said.

“What do we need to do?” Ray asked.

“It is imperative that you say nothing about any of this. I’ve probably said more than I should, but I’ve unintentionally involved you by my presence. I’m guessing my boss will be moving my ass out of here ASAP.”

“Where will you go?” Patricia asked.

“Wherever they tell me to go,” Rusty said. “I can’t talk about anything else, and please forgive me. Now you know why I’ve absented myself from family gatherings for so long. Mom and Dad knew my status, but never anything more, and they never asked.”
