Page 39 of Blood & Ruin

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I clenched my fingers into fists. Maybe that was who I was, but I had no intention of being that anymore. I would prove myself, if not just to Kazu, then to Dade and even Felix as well.Iwould be the one to find Dade.Me. And I would do it on my own merit, whatever it took.

By the time I reached the training pit, my body was brimming with energy. I needed an outlet, something to let loose on. I might have considered going inside to the mat where I could hit punching bags or throw weapons at painted targets on the walls, but I wanted to fight someone. There was this power growing within me, and I needed some way to relieve it before it smothered me.

A flash of white hair caught my eye, and I froze my hasty feet. I came up on the training pit, around the corner, so while I could see everyone outside, participating in training, they couldn’t see me.

Kazu couldn’t see me, but I could clearly make him out. He was by himself, which didn’t surprise me whatsoever. He wore a sleeveless workout shirt that was sculpted to his rigid body. His long, defined arms glistened with sweat, despite the fact that the sun had yet to emerge from the clouds. Sweatpants clung to his frame, and his feet were bare as he went through the fighting exercises he had taught us when we were fourteen and had just been assigned to his team. His slate eyes were focused as he stared straight ahead of him, posture perfect. He kicked up a leg and turned, showing me his left profile and the tattoo marked on his left bicep: a simple ring with what appeared like waves on it.

It was the symbol for the CET, a subsect of Elite who were so fiercely trained, so good at what they did, that they weren’t used to train teams or teach students. They were sent to do missions, dangerous missions the academy needed done. It was no surprise Kazu had been part of the CET, but clearly, he wasn’t anymore. If he were, he’d be wearing a white faceless mask so no one could identify who he was.

As much as I hated him, as much as I resented him for his lack of faith in me and my abilities, there was something so fiercely beautiful about him, so graceful in the way he moved. Under normal circumstances, he was always so casual – posture slouched, hands in pockets or reading one of his books. But now, during training, there was an awareness that he didn’t always have.

Or maybe he did, and I just didn’t notice it.

Kazu was long and lean, his muscles flexing with every movement. I had taken for granted how strong he could be, how precise his actions were, and I realized there was a reason they called him White Fang, there was a reason for his dangerous reputation. I hadn’t seen it before. He seemed too casual and too aloof to be anything other than a skilled teacher, but now that I saw his tattoo, now that I saw him like this, I realized there was more to him than I initially thought.

I sucked in a deep breath. If I was going to train, I needed to actually train instead of stand around and watch him. He would no doubt catch me, if he didn’t already know I was here, and the last thing I wanted was for him to point out the fact that I was clearly gawking. He already hated me; I didn’t need to give him another reason to hate me even more.

I forced myself to walk to the next training area. They were distinguished fields, even though each field was more blacktop than grass. I knew he would notice me now, but I couldn’t be bothered to care. If I was going to succeed at this mission, if I was going to get Dade back, I needed as much practice as I could get.

The second I made my way into the center of Field 5, I got the distinct feeling someone was watching me.

I ignored it. Instead, I focused on my stance, on trying to put that same awareness in myself as Kazu had. I wouldn’t be as perfect as he was, but maybe they would notice the effort there. Maybe that would count for something.

Again, you care so much about what he thinks.

“Your elbow’s dropping.”

The cool, casual voice crept up behind me and grazed the tops of my shoulders like the wind caressing my skin. I ignored the way a shudder wanted to roll down my spine, but even I couldn’t stop myself from tensing

He was watching.

I had barely begun and he was already watching me.

I wished I hadn’t even started. I wished I could crawl back into the academy building and force myself into my alchemy class.

But no.

If I was going to succeed at this Scarlet mission, I had to be better than what I was, and maybe I needed Kazu to push me to be great.

No. He’ll only mess with your confidence. He’ll only put you down.

I knew that too, but I needed someone to push me. Because this entire mission scared the shit out of me, and now that I was away from Master Grey and his untidy office and that godawful tea, I couldn’t help but resent the fact that I was now supposed to go after Dade by sacrificing myself onthe chancethat there might be information to find in regards to his whereabouts. Nothing was guaranteed, save for the fact that I would have to be fed upon by a Light Bringer in order to enter the nest in the first place.

And I had no way to prepare how to come back from that.

Something grazed my elbow and I stiffened.


The voice vibrated behind me, and it was only then that I realized Kazu had come up behind me and corrected my stance. How could I not have even noticed him move? How could he move so silently? I needed to get out of my head before it bit me in the ass, before Kazu pointed out one hundred things I was doing wrong rather than ninety-nine.

“Lift this up and hold it firmly.” He gave my elbow a gentle squeeze to emphasize his point. “Like that. Then bring up your other one…” I moved slowly but brought it up so my hand covered my face, protecting the vulnerable spots. “Yes, like that. Now hold it so this becomes muscle memory, and you don’t expose your weakness.”

I clenched my teeth so I wouldn’t say anything in response to that. I wanted to make some comment, I wanted to be a smartass, but I held back.

“I take it you spoke to Grey?”

I whirled around, breaking out of his grasp with ease so I could face him. Even from how close he was, I was startled by his proximity. The sweat gleamed on him, a sheen that only enhanced his natural beauty rather than detract from it. His cheeks weren’t even red. I hated him for that, for somehow looking so good even after working out so hard. He wasn’t even breathing with much difficulty.
