Page 40 of Blood & Ruin

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“How did you know?” I asked him.

“You wouldn’t be out here if you hadn’t,” Kazu pointed out, sliding his hands in his sweatpant pockets. “You’d be in alchemy right now. I’m sure Felix would be asking you to copy homework he forgot Bell assigned the previous day.”

My lips curled up before I could stop them. I didn’t want him to make me laugh. I didn’t want to think he was even remotely charming. But the truth was, that was exactly what Felix would be doing, and it was nice to take a moment to remind myself of simple amusements instead of trying to figure out what to do with this burden on my shoulder.

“So, you said yes?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, staring at me with an intensity in his eyes I hadn’t seen before. All this time, I thought his eyes were a charcoal color, but I was wrong. They were silver, a dark silver color that penetrated whoever it was he decided to use that gaze on him.

“Of course I did,” I said with a sneer, crossing my arms over my chest. He probably would think I’d reject the mission because I was too scared to do it, but I’d show him I was more than capable of handling it. “You really think I’d leave Dade to handle the Light Bringers by himself?”

“He’s been doing it on his own for the last three years,” Kazu murmured, not bothering to mask his sarcasm. “This is a mistake, Embyrlyn. I don’t think you realize what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

I scowled at him. “I knew you would say that,” I said, taking a step forward. “But I’m going to complete my mission, Kazu-sensei. I’m going to show you —“

“This has nothing to do with what you’re capable of,” Kazu said, an edge to his voice. Like I was worth someone arguing with. Odd, he’d never spoken to me that way before. “I don’t think you realize how dangerous this mission is —“

“Master Grey told me what to expect,” I insisted, gripping my arms even tighter.

“Did he?” His eyes scanned my body. “I take it you’ve had sex before then? Because you going into this mission as a virgin is basically a death sentence.”

My cheeks flushed as my skin blanched. “What…what are you talking about?” I asked. I hated how soft my voice had gotten, how unsure.

“Exactly as I thought,” he said. “Why do you think Scarlet missions were banned? They imply the agent assigned isn’t just doing recon or physical fighting. You’re going to give everything to this mission, including your body. Is that something you really want?”


After that atrocious breakfast, Matthyw considered returning to The Tulip, if only to attempt to fuck another whore. The interaction between him, his father, and his uncle stifled him, and he needed an open expanse of space to truly allow himself the opportunity to relax.

It also didn’t help that she was there. She looked like purity incarnate, white-blonde hair raining down her back in gentle waves, barely any makeup touching her youthful face. She looked like a canvas he wanted nothing more than to paint over, to corrupt.

There was a reason he had been an ass to her his entire life.

He couldn’t have her…and he hated her for it.

He shouldn’t have sat next to her. Shouldn’t have smelled the vanilla jasmine. And the fact that she wore the necklace he got her…

His cock twitched just thinking about it. What he wouldn’t give to see her in it and nothing else.

But no.

He couldn’t think about that now. Not when he had a meeting with Grey.

Sneering, he made his way through the back corridors of the academy. Matthyw wasn’t privileged enough to attend on his own, not until Viktor took him in and raised him as a son. Despite the fact that they didn’t share blood, he still provided for Matthyw, still educated, dressed him, and trained him like Matthyw belonged to the pack, part of the Alpha line, even though he was a runt, an orphan.

He nearly bumped into a couple of girls — sixteen, if he had to guess. They both looked at him, eyes wide with fear and dark with lust, before dashing off, probably because they were already late to class.

Matthyw paid them no mind. Innocence didn’t entice him the way it once had. He was known as the Blood Beast, after all. He had a reputation.

He moved with fluidity he had taught himself. Though he wasn’t actual royalty, he could certainly move like he was. He walked like he owned the place, like he belonged here. He turned down the corridor and pushed open the back door, spilling into the training grounds. It was surprisingly empty, unfortunately for him. He wanted an excuse to let some energy out, needed a release. His head was filled with the thought of Adrya and that fucking Marriage Law and the thought of her wearing that necklace as she knelt before him, lips puckered around his hard cock —

“Fuck,” he growled under his breath. He whipped away from the doors and started to jog towards the field. He had half an hour before Grey expected him, and that bastard seemed to know things, things Matthyw himself didn’t. The last thing he wanted was Grey to sniff out the desire he had for Adrya.

Maybe he should find someone to fuck just to get Adrya out of his system.

He grunted. Like that would work. Like he hadn’t already been doing that.

Matthyw couldn’t be sure how long he ran the track. Part of him contemplated returning to his rooms in order to grab his new steel armor and train in that, just so he could get used to the weight of it on his body. But that would mean going back through the academy, and if he happened to bump into Adrya…

He didn’t want to, didn’t want to risk it.
