Page 62 of Blood & Ruin

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Slowly, he made his way through the crowd. Wolves and humans alike frequented the old tavern in town, adjacent to an obvious brothel. Rumor had it a couple of Light Bringers worked there but Kazu didn’t care enough to verify, and Grey didn’t seem concerned about it anyway. Kazu had never been to that particular brothel in the first place. He didn’t want to set foot in one at all.

But then he remembered the mission, and he knew he needed a drink.

The group was composed of other Elite captains, which meant there were five of them. Misa wasn’t there, which didn’t surprise him. She hated this place too. But everyone else was, which meant Kazu couldn’t get out of being here as quickly as he had hoped either.

“Kazu, my only rival and closest friend.” A hand slapped his shoulder, and Kazu turned to see Mitchell, another captain, flashing him a perfectly, sparkling smile. “I didn’t think you’d make it out tonight.”

Kazu lifted a shoulder.

“I forget how talkative you are,” Becca purred, siddling up next to him. Becca was beautiful in that way that grew to be disarming. She had her sights on him for whatever reason, and there were times he couldn’t help but wonder if he should just have her for one night so she’d stop. “I can’t help but wonder if that would change if we were someone else.”

“Jesus Christ, Becca, let the man breathe,” Kristy said, glaring. “There’s a reason why Kazu never comes out to have a drink with us, and I’m sorry, but I’m starting to understand why.”

“You’re just jealous…”

Kazu tuned the two female Elite captains out as Rocky, a fourth captain sat next to him, handing him a pint. “You look like you could use it,” he said. “Everything good?”

It was odd to hear Rocky actually ask a considerate question only because Rocky was notorious for having at least one girl on his lap at this point in the night. To say he was a flirt was an understatement, and there were times comments were tossed around within the close-knit environment of other captains about some of the Elite agents within the ranks, despite how inappropriate they were. Rocky never acted on them – he was smarter than that – but there were times it came close, only because an agent or two had no qualms throwing themselves at him. He loved the attention but also respected boundaries. If Rocky was going to fuck, it would be some nameless face from the village he had no previous knowledge of, and it definitely wouldn’t be a member of his team.

Kazu took the pint and brought it to his lips. Alcohol had always disgusted him, but after the last forty-eight hours, he knew he needed something to distract him. It was the only reason he was here, after all.

“That bad, huh?” Rocky asked, flashing him a grin. “I would ask if it was girl problems, but I already know the answer to that one. Maybe you need to get laid and your problems would go away.”

Kazu rolled his eyes.

“I could help with that,” Becca put in.

“Leave Kazu alone,” interjected Mitchell. “Clearly, something is plaguing his mind or he wouldn’t be here, drinking ale and socializing. Whether he tells us or not matters not. The only thing that matters is he’s here.”

Becca and Kristy exchanged a look before they both rolled their eyes. Rocky grinned, lifting his pint in Kazu’s direction before sweeping his gaze around the room.

“Lots of new faces here tonight,” Rocky said before bringing his own glass to his lips. He took a long drink before letting out a satisfied sigh. “You know when you have too many options that decisions are difficult to come by? That’s what I’m feeling right now.”

“That’s because you’re a pig,” Kristy said, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder.

“Yeah, well, maybe if you tried it, you wouldn’t insult it,” Rocky replied.

“Sorry, but you don’t tempt me in the slightest,” she said. “I don’t know where you’ve been.”

Kazu knew he shouldn’t have come here. He wanted nothing to do with petty arguing and oversexualized wolves gearing up for the full moon. It was nice to be away from the academy, however. Even he could admit that. He didn’t need to worry about running into students, especially pink-haired students about to embark on a mission that would most certainly traumatize her for the rest of her life.

Kazu gripped the glass so hard, it shattered. His entire table stopped what they were doing so they could give him a long look.

“Are you…are you challenging me, Kazu?” Mitchell asked, eyeing the glass handle that still somehow remained in Kazu’s hand. “By showing your brute strength and breaking a glass with just the power and dexterity of your fingers, I can’t help but feel called upon to retaliate in some fashion, to show you you aren’t the only being capable of such a feat.”

“Mitch, I don’t think –”

But Mitchell disappeared before Becca could finish her sentence, heading to the bar to get himself another glass.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kristy asked, pushing his shoulder and glaring up at him with her dark eyes.

Kazu glanced down at her without saying anything. He didn’t have to answer to her, even though he could easily see the concern in her eyes. He knew she was more worried than angry, though Kristy was known for her temper on top of her short stature – and the fact that she was the only Elite Captain who was a human.

“What was that about?” Mitchell asked, though there was a chuckle in his words, as though he was amused by the entire thing.

Becca arrived with a variety of washcloths and began sopping up the mess Kazu’s broken drink made. He knew he should be the one cleaning up, he should be the one picking up the glass, but he noticed a flash of pink hair.

There was only one person he knew with pink hair.
