Page 63 of Blood & Ruin

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What the hell was she doing here?

It wasn’t like students, especially those of age, couldn’t come to taverns in the nearby village. In fact, the majority of them did, especially on weekends, as a way to reward themselves after a difficult week of homework, studying, and physical combat. The village appreciated the protection the wolves gave them, so, in exchange, the wolves frequented the businesses and were welcomed by the humans.

But that didn’t mean he expected Embyrlyn, of all people, to show up here. This was the sort of place one went to to either hang out and socialize with friends or to find someone to hook up with, neither of which suited her.

Not that he claimed to know her at all, but this was Embyrlyn. She was strong, she could fight, but she came across as more princess at times than actual warrior. At least, that was what he saw during her interactions with Felix. Then again, Felix could be notoriously trying…

“Hey, Kazu,” Rocky said, picking up his beer and bumping shoulders with him. “Isn’t that your student?”

“She’s not my student,” he returned automatically. “She’s on my team now, but she aged out of me instructing her on anything.”

Rocky snorted. “She aged out, all right,” he said before bringing the beer to his lips. Kazu shifted his eyes from Embyrlyn to Rocky. Something didn’t feel right about what Rocky had just said. It bristled at Kazu’s chest. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he didn’t like it, and he knew it had to do with the girl in question. “Tell me, I’ve never seen her here before. Wearing a dress like that, what doyouthink she wants?”

Kazu clenched his teeth together as he watched Embyrlyn bend over so she could rest her forearms on the bar in order to get the bartender’s attention. Of course, she got much more than the bartender’s attention. The dress was too short not to be scandalous, especially on a young woman with no escort. It clung to the curves she had, despite her years of training, creeping up on milky white thighs and revealing a supple ass just begging to be clutched. There was a graceful dip in her lower back, and her pink hair filtered around her face and shoulders as she told the bartender what she wanted.

What the hell did she think she was doing?

“You think I got a shot at her?” Rocky asked, taking another sip of his beer.

“What are you guys even talking about?” Becca asked, frowning.

Kazu’s temples throbbed. Why he even cared what Rocky said in the first place about Embyrlyn, he couldn’t say. Maybe it was because Embyrlyn was younger, but Rocky didn’t discriminate with age just as long as she was legal, and Kazu had never cared in that respect. Maybe it was because Embyrlyn washisformer student? Possibly. But Kazu didn’t remember feeling this overprotective before.

Embyrlyn grabbed a shot glass from the bartender and tipped her head back so she could consume it in one swallow. Then, she slammed it on the table, turned, and said, “I need to lose my virginity as soon as possible. Can anyone help me with that?”

