Page 14 of Blood & Bonds

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Kazu scoffed. “Trust me, he’d get something out of it.”

“So, you’ll do it then?” I asked, looking up at him through strands of pink hair that had fallen into my face. “You’ll introduce us?”

“Absolutely not,” Kazu said, flashing his eyes at me. A warning, if I had ever seen one.

One I wasn’t willing to take.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll do it myself.” I took a step close to the door.

Kazu stepped in front of me so fast, all I saw was a blur of silver until I blinked and realized I was an inch or two from running into his chest.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, looking up at him with a glare.

“I’m stopping you from making a poor decision because you’re young, inexperienced, and you think you have something to prove,” he said.

“You’re the one who told me —“

“Not. With. Him.” The words were forced out of teeth gnarled together, and even in the darkness, I could see the flash of his canines.

“Then who?” I demanded to know, throwing my arms out. “I have one more night here. After the full moon, I go on the mission. And you’ve been insisting I don’t do that as a virgin.”

“Don’t go at all.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s not going to happen,” I muttered, trying to step around him.

He shot out an arm. “Because Dade is so precious to you?”

“Because I’m capable of helping my pack,” I shot back. “And yes, he is. And there’s nothing wrong with having people precious to me and being willing to do whatever I can for them.” I cocked my head to the side. “Now, unless you’re offering to take care of the problem yourself, please step aside so I can leave. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough.”

I hadn’t meant to say the words.

I hadn’t meant to implyanythingby them.

Kazu’s eyes widened, and I must have caught him so off-guard that when I attempted to walk around him for a third time, he didn’t try and stop me.

Good thing too, because I didn’t want to stick around and see how he would respond.


Adrienne’s room was a single-person room but it was more spacious than the one I was given. The fact that she got her own room must have something to do with her rank within the pack. I still wasn’t familiar with the hierarchy here, especially when it came to human and wolf, but I knew captains only ranked below the Headmaster, and after them came their lieutenants. I didn’t think Adrienne was a lieutenant so she must have been a high ranking pack member.

I wondered how long she had been here, considering she was human.

She helped me settle in and insisted I take the bed. I wasn’t sure how comfortable I felt – sleeping in someone else’s bed – but after changing into my pajamas and turning out the lights, it was surprisingly easy for me to slip into unconsciousness. I just hoped my dreams wouldn’t involve desecrated bodies and shadows with sharp teeth.


The second Kent stepped onto academy territory, he knew something was amiss. Dawn started to creep over the horizon. As it was, the atmosphere was as tense as an archer’s drawn bow string.

Guards were there, patrolling the area, but there was double the number, more than the usual amount assigned during a full moon. He was one of the last to return, ensuring every wolf returned in their human form, appropriately attired and presentable.

Reedys hung back, taking a long drag of his cigarette. Kent stood next to his lieutenant, his eyes scanning the entrance for any signs of what had happened.

“Something seems peculiar,” Kent said.

Patrol kept glancing over at him and whispering, but so far, no one approached him.

Reedys grunted, blowing smoke through his nostrils.
