Page 15 of Blood & Bonds

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Kent brushed his gloves fingers on the hilt of his blade, eyes narrowing on the dirt, when the sound of metal clanging with metal caught his attention. One of the human patrols approached him. He didn’t know her, but she wasn’t a lieutenant, which meant she had to be a ranking officer. High up if it was within her designation to approach him.

“Captain,” she said seriously. “There’s been a disturbance while you and the rest of the wolves were away.”

“A disturbance?” he asked as they made their way shoulder to shoulder inside the building. Reedys stayed behind to finish his cigarette.

“Erm…” The officer hesitated, eyes going to the stone floor.


“A murder.”

Kent stilled. The officer was forced to remain in the hallway with him. Their shadows danced behind them on the walls, the low candles casting dim lighting throughout the hallway.

His first thought went to Freya. Concern prickled on his skin though he couldn’t explain why that was. It wasn’t as though anything had changed between the two of them. Just because the Headmaster had specifically required him to take her on as his ward didn’t suddenly change his opinion of her.

“Who?” he demanded to know, voice harsher than he intended.

“Lucy, sir,” she said. “Lucy Canavan.”

Sorrow pierced his chest but he didn’t show it. He locked his jaw. Lucy was someone assigned to Victor King’s watchful eye simply because she wasn’t an official student within the academy.

“When? What were the circumstances?”

The officer glanced behind her as Reedys made his way inside, shutting the door behind him.

“Perhaps we should go somewhere more private?” she suggested.

Kent wanted to disagree. He wanted answersnow. However, he also knew there were ears listening, ears he didn’t trust the way he trusted Reedys.

“Fine.” He tilted his chin down.

Her shoulders sunk down and she nodded once, wiping a stray strand of dark hair from her face. She turned and picked up the pace. Without a glance at his lieutenant, Kent followed.

The two wound up tucked in a secluded part of the Grand Library, located on the main floor of the academy grounds. The books were organized neatly onto the steel shelves. There were a variety of desks scattered in different locations for students to study for exams or finish research papers. Everything was wiped down still. The library wasn’t officially open until seven, which meant they had a good hour, maybe an hour and a half, before students trickled in.

“Lucy Canavan was found in Freya Foster’s dorm room –“

“Did you say Lucy was found in Foster’s room?” he asked, placing his fingertips on the circular desk between the two of them. He shouldn’t have interrupted, but he couldn’t help himself. He must not have heard her correctly. That, or she was mistaken.

“Yes, sir,” she said, nodding once.

“Who found her?”

“Ms. Foster.”

“Ms. Foster discovered Lucy’s body in her room? When?”

“I believe it’s been reported the body was discovered around eight, after Ms. Foster finished dinner.”

“Reported? To whom?”

“Captain Rainey.”

“And where is Ms. Foster now?”

“She’s currently sharing Adrienne Sullivan’s dorm room in the Water pack house.”

Kent shook his head. “Absolutely not.” He stood at his full height. “Move her out of the Water pack –“
