Page 16 of Blood & Bonds

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“Sir, with all due respect, those were Captain Rainey’s orders,” she said.

Kent clenched his teeth together once more. “What was the state of Lucy’s body?” he asked. “How do you know it’s murder?”

The officer’s face blanched.

“Sir, I believe Captain Rainey has photographs of the body,” she said. “To describe it…there was blood. A lot of it.”

“Where is the body now?”

The officer shook her head. “The clean up was handled by Captain Rainey and Officer Sullivan. I don’t know but I assume she’s in the morgue.”

Kent nodded. “Does anyone else know?”

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I know Ms. Foster was quite…affected. But from what I hear, she stopped reacting. I don’t know if anyone else was told officially or not. But this place can’t keep secrets.”

Kent placed his hands behind his back. That much he knew.

“I need to speak to Captain Rainey,” he said. “Immediately. And Officer Sullivan if she’s available.”

“I believe they’re in their respective rooms,” she said. “They were up late. They might be sleeping.”

Kent glared. He said nothing.

The officer cleared her throat. “Right,” she said. “I’ll retrieve them immediately. Where would you like to meet with them?”

“Bring them here.”

The second Kent was alone, he coiled his fingers into a tight fist and slammed it on the table. If he wanted to channel his frustration into this, the table would have split in two. As it was, it shook, vibrating like an earthquake, but it remained whole.

He clenched his teeth, trying to control his canines from elongating. For some reason, his body responded as though he was under attack, as though he was being threatened. Lucy was a good girl, but he didn’t care for her any differently than anyone else in his pack. However, the fact that she had died, murdered, and in Freya’s room…

Just the thought of the human caused Kent’s pulse to jump in his throat. Anger continued to seep inside of him, running over his body like a stream of hot liquid.

It washer.

His anger stemmed because somehow,shewas involved.

But, the more he thought on it, the more he realized it wasn’t directed towards her. If anything, his anger came from the mere thought that she was involved at all.

Which made no sense.

Kent had known Lucy much longer than Freya. Lucy was family. He saw her as she grew up within the academy walls. While he had no hand in raising her, she would always belong to his pack once she turned eighteen, and she was officially welcomed into the academy, simply due to her date of birth.

Kent was angry, yes, but he was sad. He was filled with a deep sorrow that he couldn’t wash away with a few fights in the ring with Reedys.

And yet, his emotions jumped with Freya.

He didn’t understand this, and it only added to his anger.

Before he could think any more about this particular problem, the doors to the library opened. The confident swagger of the human captain echoed through the walls.

He flared my nostrils. There were plenty of issues he had with Jeffrey Rainey, most of which was the arrogance he carried with him like a shadow. The fact that this pathetic man oversaw the academy during his absence was unconscionable. He hadn’t protested because he hadn’t cared, but now he had a dead wolf in his ward’s room –

“You look well-rested, Byron,” Rainey said as he came around the stacks and moved over to Kent. He had a smarmy smile on his face.

“Where’s Barnes?” Kent asked, expecting the other human captain. At least he was quiet, even though he had an arrogant chip on his shoulder.

“Overseeing breakfast,” Rainey said. “Did you need him?”
