Page 19 of Blood & Bonds

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“As of right now,” he continued, “you have no betrothal. You having nothing to concern yourself with.”

“Save for the fact that I’ll be one of the first people matched in this Marriage Law once it passes,” I pointed out. “And if I don’t marry a wolf, how will anyone in my pack take me seriously as their Alpha? They won’t. I already know they don’t. I don’t have my father’s calculation nor Matthyw’s thirst for blood nor your intellect and education. I have nothing to offer them, save for the fact that I have the potential to continue our legacy.”

Taskier glanced around, and I was sure, by this point, his classroom was nearly full, which meant class would begin soon. He sat up, reached across his desk, and took my hand in his while giving it a pat with his other one.

“You have nothing to concern yourself with,” he said, pale green eyes – eyes almost like mine – looking up at me in earnest. “And you sell yourself short. You have much to offer the pack, to any husband, to anyone. Don’t indulge the victim tendency that seems to trap even the strongest of us, Adrya. It seems you are encased in darkness, but the truth is, there is a light somewhere. You just have to keep your eyes open long enough to find it.”


No one knew where Matthyw had gone.

He hadn’t told a soul, and that was exactly how he intended to keep it. If anyone did know…

They wouldn’t.

He had to keep telling himself they wouldn’t.

The Stone pack land was a spectacle, that was certain. As much as he loathed his bitch wife and saw these wolves as little more than peasants compared to his own pack, he understood the necessity of keeping an alliance with them. The land itself expanded over three miles of territory, filled to the brim with natural resources. Even through the blanket of darkness, the trickle of the creek nearby, the rustle of the leaves in the tall, fertile trees, were enough to remind him of why Viktor insisted on this alliance.

It was too bad Matthyw would have to sever ties – in any way he could.

He kept his grey hood up so the white of his hair was easily masked. It would instantly reveal who he was, and for now, he didn’t want anyone to know. For now, he wanted to enjoy the peaceful ambiance. He had a plan to annul the marriage, and, if that failed, a backup plan. He would do whatever it took in order to get him out of this hellhole and secure him Adrya.

Because he would have Adrya no matter what.

He had been playing this game for too long, and now that the time was finally here to take what he wanted, he would not let it slip by.

And, of course, he had his wife to thank for planting the seeds.

Probably the only good thing to come from their marriage – to make him realize what he truly wanted.

He moved in silence. Even as he walked through the grass, still somewhat covered with snow, his footsteps made no noise. Even as he came upon the familiar red hair, the pale naked flesh, as she cleaned her body in the cold creek, preparing herself for the upcoming full moon. An Stone Pack tradition only kept up by those with royal blood.

This time, Matthyw stepped on a twig on purpose.

His wife immediately spun around, tense. Her eyes narrowed when she saw him.

“Matthyw?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to request a simple favor from you, wife,” he said, slowly pulling back his hood. “An annulment.”


Igot no sleep that night.

Every time I tried, I would see Xander’s face and I imagined what it might be like to kiss him. But then, his face would morph and change until it was replaced by a chiseled jawline, sharp, delicate cheekbones, unforgiving slate-colored eyes, and I would jerk myself awake because I didn’t want to dream about Kazu-sensei. Especially not in the context the dreams continued to provide.

I still didn’t understand why he was so angry with me, why he felt the need to interrupt Xander and I. If it had been anyone else, I might have thought Kazu-sensei was jealous, but this was Kazu-sensei, and I didn’t think him being jealous was even possible. Especially not when it came to me.

By the time the sun rose, bright light shining through the cracks and creases of the blinds that covered my window, I was nowhere closer to losing my virginity than I had been before I got to that tavern. Tonight was my last night here, before I was supposed to leave for the mission. If I didn’t find someone, I would miss out on the opportunity.

I pulled on my uniform slowly, ignoring the way my stomach rumbled. I would eat eventually, but right now, I needed to go through any options I hadn’t considered.

I wasn’t lying when I told Kazu-sensei I believed Rocky was still my best option, for all of the reasons I listed out. I couldn’t fathom why Kazu would argue with that logic, especially since he was the person who planted the idea in my head in the first place.

He wasn’t fair.

I began to roughly brush my hair, frowning at myself in the mirror.
