Page 22 of Blood & Bonds

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Rocky gave me a charming grin. “I would be delighted to speak with you, Embyrlyn,” he said. “Should we go somewhere private?”


“Freya Foster isn’t a murderer,” Kent said.

He had no foundation for this claim. He could only speculate. But something inside him, this feeling of rightness, told him this much was true. The girl was no murderer.

“How could you possibly know that?” Rainey asked, leaning forward, resting his forearms on the desk. “You don’t know her.”

“Have you seen her?” he asked. “A scrawny thing. Her hair probably weighs as much as she does. Even if she has all the weapons known to master, she doesn’t have the strength to elicit such a bloodbath with either murder.”

“Maybe not as a human,” Rainey said. “But if she’s a Light Bringer?”

Kent smiled. He couldn’t help it. “Do you honestly believe she’s a Light Bringer?” he asked. “I didn’t think you believed in bedtime stories.”

Rainey didn’t seem perturbed by Kent’s barb. Instead, he kept a level head as he regarded him, waiting for Kent to finish.

“Then how else would you explain it?” Rainey asked. “Two murders in the same amount of days.”

“Perhaps she’s the target?” The words left Kent’s mouth and a shudder glided down his spine in a way that left him unnerved. He locked his jaw, refraining from revealing the dread he suddenly felt.

“Perhaps,” Jeffrey allowed, running his finger on the edge of the desk. “I’d like to test her. Just to be sure.”

“Test her? Formagic?” He dropped his voice and looked to his left, then to his right. He was certain the two of them were alone, but that didn’t mean other sharp ears couldn’t pick up the conversation. We were in an academy filled with wolves. “Are you insane?”

“Quite the contrary,” he said. “In fact, I think it would be the best decision to ensure she’s not. It would rule her out as the murderer at least, especially since you already consider her scrawny and useless.”

He was trying to get a rise out of Kent. The wolf supposed it was only fair after he did the same thing to him.

“How would you even go about testing her for that?” Kent asked.

Rainey said nothing, leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Rolling his wrist, he gestured at the space around the two of them.

“I’m sure we have one book that would fulfill our requirements,” he said.




“Is there a problem?” Rainey smirked. “I doubt you have somewhere else to be. It’s not like you have any sort of social life, save for the few times each month you get your needs fulfilled.” The smirk only deepened.

“At least I take my personal affairs off-campus,” Kent drawled. If Rainey wanted to play these stupid games, he’d give the fucker a stupid prize. “You’ll go through the student body so quickly, you’ll be forced to search elsewhere. Everyone knows you won’t lie in the same bed twice.”

Rainey leaned forward conspiratorially. “True,” he said. “But I happen to know of a new student who arrived recently with long blonde hair that ways as much as she does. Perhaps she’d like to see me to my bed.”

He slammed his fist on the table, this time splitting it down the middle. Rainey shot up, all grace and speed, just as Kent climbed to his feet. He took a step towards Rainey; he did the same to the wolf.

“You know,” he said, tilting his head back so he could look Kent in the eyes, “for someone completely against having a ward of his own, you certainly protect her as though she belonged to you.”

Kent flared his nostrils but said nothing in response.

“Perhaps you care for her more than you care to admit,” he said.

“I don’t even know her.” It concerned him that Rainey knew she was his ward. Did the headmaster say something to the human specifically? Did he inform the captains without letting Kent know he would?

“And yet, you growl and snap when I insinuate I would take her to my bed,” he said. “You might not know her, but your response indicatessomethingbetween the two of you. Would you consider that…what? Oh.” His eyes glimmered with delight. “Perhaps she’s your heart-mate. That’s what you wolves believe, correct? Maybe your body is reacting before your head can catch up?”
