Page 35 of Blood & Bonds

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“You would…you would do that?” I asked,

He chuckled, the sound rich and contagious. “Of course,” he said as though it was obvious. “I swear, your questions leave a lot wanting. Is Kazu truly this terrible of a captain that you’re surprised I would want to help?”

I found myself smiling, though I couldn’t bring myself to critique my sensei. Even if Kazu was that bad. Even if I had a feeling Rocky wouldn’t take it to heart.

“He can be a bit serious,” Rocky said. “But they don’t call him the White Wolf for nothing. His reputation precedes everything and everyone, except, maybe Master Grey himself. You’re lucky you received your training while under his tutelage.”

I nearly rolled my eyes. What tutelage?

“But, I can say with certainty that he cares very deeply for you and for your team,” he continued.

I didn’t bother to hide my disbelief as I asked, “What makes you say that?”

“The fact that he’s so protective of you,” Rocky replied as though it was obvious. “The truth is, Kazu wouldn’t care one way or the other about the private lives of his students. The fact that he was a sensei at all says a lot because if he had a choice, he wouldn’t be. I’m sure you’ve noticed that he’s a bit of a loner with his head in one of his manga. He’d rather do that than any sort of socialization. The fact that he was at the tavern last night was a miracle unto itself.”

“What are you trying to say?” I asked, shifting with discomfort. At this point, I knew my food was cold and I couldn’t bring it in myself to try and work up an appetite to go back and get more. Instead, I slid my tray to the side, hoping I wouldn’t be tempted by it enough to start playing with my food without actually consuming it.

“I’m saying I’m here to help if you need me,” he said. “But Kazu is also a good resource. I don’t think anyone has seen more missions than he has. If anything, you can talk to him about what to expect. I’m sure he’d be willing to listen to you.”

As much as I wanted to believe that, I already knew that wasn’t true.

But it didn’t matter.

“Actually,” I found myself saying. “If you’re still up for it, I’d like to take you up on that offer, if that’s okay. I’d like…I mean, well…” I shook my head, refusing to let Kazu get to me. I was going to say the words no matter how difficult or embarrassing. “If you have the time, and you meant what you said, I’d really appreciate your help with learning all I can about sex, including experiencing it for the first time.”

Rocky smiled. “I’d be honored.”


Captain John Rainey was with Adrienne, his eyes glossing over her bedroom and focusing directly on me. At least, I assumed he was. It was difficult to tell, considering he wore sunglasses even now.

“Well?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and glancing up at Byron.

Standing side by side, the differences between the two men were starkly different. Rainey had a chiseled face, perfectly symmetrical it was almost pretty. Byron had a vertical scar that ran the length of the left side of his face, with features that were harsher but no less masculine. Byron was tall and muscled while Rainey was half a head shorter with a lean stature. Byron was indifferent and suspicious while Rainey carried an easy charm about him. I wanted to see them interact more, just to notice what they thought of each other.

“She’s agreed,” Byron said, “but I’ll be watching the entire time. As her captain, of course.”

“Sure,” Rainey said. “We’ll go with that.” He didn’t even glance at Adrienne. “Thanks, Adrienne. I might be late during for dinner. Save me some mashed potatoes, would you?”

Adrienne rolled her eyes as she grabbed her book bag. “Not an apple or some salad?” she asked. “With the way you eat, I’m surprised you’re still…svelte.” She swung the bag over her shoulder and headed out the door.

My brow lifted. The fact that she hadn’t even questioned all of us being in her room, hadn’t even questioned where Rainey would be and why he’d be late, was some control I wished I had. If I were in her position, I’d probably be peppering him with questions.

The second the door closed, Rainey slid his aviators down the bridge of his straight nose and gave me a purusual.

“Has she eaten anything?” he asked.

“I’m right here,” I said before Byron could comment. “You could ask me.”

Byron coughed. I wasn’t sure if he masked a laugh with a cough or if he was trying to give me some kind of warning. Either way, it didn’t matter. I should have kept my comment to myself but that didn’t work out as well as I hoped it would.

“You’re right,” Rainey said with a grin. “Have you eaten?”

I shook my head.

Rainey looked at Byron. “She needs to eat something but something light,” he said. “Porridge, perhaps? Toast and jam?”

“Are you telling me to get her breakfastnow?” Byron asked, raising a disbelieving brow.
