Page 50 of Blood & Bonds

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Byron suddenly turned, his blue eyes crisp and cold as a blizzard.

“Get your stuff,” he said. “We’re leaving.”

I blinked once. He arched a brow, a warning flashing across his chiseled face.

I stood up and quickly stumbled over to the wardrobe where my bag was still placed. Once I had my bag in my hand, I walked over to Byron, careful not to get too close. Not because I thought he’d hurt me. I just didn’t want to give him a reason to lash out because he was as taut as a bowstring.

“If you come near her again, I’ll kill you,” Byron said to Rainey through clenched teeth.

Rainey’s lips were pressed into a thin line but he didn’t come after us as we left. I almost felt sorry for him until I realized I was a pawn in some game I had no idea how to play.



He was a fucking fool.

Matthyw had to get out of there. He could barely breathe. It was too humid. His face was too flushed. And the things he was feeling…

He didn’t want to think about it.

The last thing he wanted to do was leave Adrya by herself. But he also knew he had to do something. Maybe no one saw them together. Maybe he could still salvage what little she had of her reputation.

He was a bastard.

He didn’t deserve her.

He thought he knew what was best. He thought ruining her was his best chance of getting them both what they wanted. And yet, he ran all the same, like the fucking coward he was. All because she had decided to do something completely unexpected like kiss him back.

He dropped the pieces of the necklace.

He didn’t notice someone picking them up.


I was furious. What the hell was going on? Had Matthyw brought me here only to leave me on purpose? What was the point? He said he would solve everything, that he had a plan to get me back the pack. But how could taking me to a brothel, kissing me, and then leaving me do that? My face crawled with embarrassment. I readjusted my clothing. I couldn’t believe I thought for one second Matthyw felt anything for me. He still hated me. This was him ruining me to get what he wanted.

And I fell for it.

I needed to make my own choices. I needed to figure this out on my own because it felt like no one had my best interests at heart.

I pulled up my hood and marched across the room, ignoring the writhing bodies and the sounds of pleasure coming from them. I couldn’t believe I let myself get caught up in this. I couldn’t believe I thought Matthyw might actually see me as someone worthy of desire.


I was a fool.

I sucked in a breath and slid out of his rooms, making sure everything was in place, hiding who I was. Making sure no one was around.

I weaved my way through the brothel. By the time I reached the door, I was ready to step outside when a woman blocked my path.

“The Belle wishes to speak with you, princess.”

I clenched my teeth together. Clearly, she had recognized me despite my cloak. She knew who I was, which meant others did as well. Which meant word would spread. Any sense of dignity I might have had went out the window. More than that, I didn’t have the same prospects concerning marriage the way I might have had if Matthyw left me alone and never taken me here or even helped me sneak out. I realized the pack would never accept a wanton Alpha, even if the males could do something similar and no one would concern themselves with it.

I growled to myself. It wasn’t fucking fair.

“She can get you out of here without being seen,” the woman said.
