Page 62 of Blood & Bonds

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I placed my hands on his broad shoulders. I still had no idea what we were doing but I meant what I said. I trusted him.

He tilted his head up, his nose brushing the small bundle of nerves just before my sex, and I gasped, my nails sinking into his flesh. I should probably be more concerned that anyone could stumble upon us, that anyone could find us in such a compromising position, but I trusted Kazu. He was the most private person I knew, and if he wasn’t worried, I wouldn’t be either.

Without warning, his mouth pressed against my core and I sucked in a breath. Gods, what was he doing and why did it feel so good…? His tongue danced against my pearl, moving back and forth at a steady pace. His hands slid up my thighs to keep hold on my hips. A good thing too, only because I knew I would melt to the grass if he wasn’t. Even with me holding onto him, I wasn’t as steady as I could be.

And then, he released one hip and…

Oh, Gods, he caressed the opening of my core before sliding a finger inside of me.

I let out a moan, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

Kazu either didn’t hear me or didn’t react. Everything he did was steady and secure. Nothing seemed to perturb him in any way, and that relaxed me. Because if he could be calm, I should be able to be too.

Except, I wasn’t calm. My heart jumped up and down without any sort of beat, and my breathing came out desperate and ragged. I held onto him with all the strength I had, but that was a joke too, because every swipe of the tongue weakened me even more.

Something burned inside of me, hot and fierce. The flames licked higher and higher. And then he slid a second finger inside of me, and one hand released a shoulder so I could run my fingers through his thick white hair, tugging at the roots.

And then he moaned, his lips pressed against my sex, causing pleasurable vibrations to run across my flesh.

Everything crescendoed just then. I couldn’t explain it, I couldn’t put it into words, but a wave crested inside of me and I wasn’t sure —

“There you go,” Kazu said in a low voice that seemed to caress the inside of my body. “I’ve got you. Let it go. It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

His words cast a spell over my body because it responded. Something swept through me, leaving me breathless. My pelvis began to twitch in a way I couldn’t control. Melting was the only response. My knees gave out but Kazu still held me. How he was able to, I had no idea. His strength was hidden behind his lean, corded body.

Pleasure overwhelmed me, and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep a sob from spilling out of my mouth. Kazu kept going, sliding the two digits in and out of me, gently coaxing a response out of me. And his tongue…I never knew tongues could be so decadently talented that I could never look at his mouth the same way again.

When he finally stopped, he rose from his knees gracefully. His face glistened with my juices, withme, and I flushed at the sight. But there was something else there, something like pride and power, to have reduced Kazu to this, to getting on his knees for the sake of givingmepleasure.

I knew this wasn’t real. I knew this was practical and there was a reason for it.

But I didn’t care.

Not then.

If this was going to be my first time, if I never got this opportunity again, I would make the most of it. I wouldn’t let it slip through my fingers. I would remember this. I would rememberhim.

I must have been under some spell cast by lust and desire and longing because I stepped towards him, wrapped my arms around him, and pulled his face down so I could kiss him. So I could taste myself on his lips.

Kazu didn’t miss a beat. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his taut body, and I could feel him press against my hip, could feel that he wanted me.


The emotional romantic girl he didn’t even like.

I should be scared, maybe even intimidated. But I wasn’t. That surge of power stayed with me, and even though I had no idea what I was doing, I knew I wanted this. I wanted him.

His tongue plunged into my mouth, invading the space, dominating my own. And I submitted to him. I allowed him whatever he wanted to take. My breasts pressed flat against his chest, and somehow, despite the heat radiating from his body, my nipples were still hard, still seeking attention.

After another moment, he ripped himself away from me, staring with dark eyes, this time colored charcoal, glittering like obsidian. I could read them so clearly now, the desire. Thewant. He looked at me, taking me in, and I let him. I didn’t hide anything from him. I wanted him to see. And if he felt the need to critique me, he could do that later. After this.

He ducked his head, lips finding my throat. I tilted away from him, giving him better access to my skin. Letting him have whatever he wanted from me.

He could have it all.

He could have anything.

His hands slid up my skin, following the ins and outs of my frame. One rested on my breast, thumb pressing against the tip of my nipple, and I hissed.
