Page 63 of Blood & Bonds

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“Tell me you like it,” he said. “Tell me.”

“Anything you do, I like,” I murmured. How I managed to speak at all, I had no idea.

He moved down until his lips pulled the other nipple into his mouth.

When had my breasts felt so heavy, so full, with anticipation? The second Kazu touched them, the nerve endings began to turn on, like fireflies at night. My core had already been dripping after Kazu’s onslaught, but somehow, he managed to elicit even more from me, something that I thought was impossible. Something I was slightly embarrassed about.

His hands pressed against my hips before moving to the small of my back.

He bent me back slightly, still so gentle, and began to ease me to the grass. His lips had released one and was now tasting the other. His movement was almost lazy, like we had all the time in the world.

Once we were on the grass, the smooth, cool blades pressed into my heated skin like a balm, and he slowly moved over me.

“This will hurt,” he said. His tone threw me off — it was flat, almost like he recited a scientific fact instead of instructions that might be significant to me, to this moment. But his eyes…his eyes were dark and filled with desire just like I was sure mine were. “I’ve prepared you the best I can. The only thing I can tell you is to relax as best as you can. I promise you it will get better.”

I nodded, trusting him again. It amazed me that things had turned so opposite since we started this. He was the last person I thought about doing this with because I could never trust him with an intimacy on this level, and now, I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else.

“Will…” I swallowed. “Will anyone see…?”

“If anyone sees you like this, I’ll take my kunai and stab their eyes out.”

His words were said with such fervor, my brows shot up with surprise. He meant them. I knew he did. More than that, the way he jerked his head back told me he was just as surprised as I was.

But he didn’t correct himself.

And I didn’t want him to.

If anything, the words were enough to cause a ripple through my core, the desire already coursing through me to layer, like adding gasoline to a fire.

He took his cock in his fist and stroked himself once before positioning it between my legs. I swallowed. I was a strategist for my team. It wasn’t like I didn’t know what a cock was, what it looked like, and what its uses were. But there was something about Kazu, something about its size and girth, that intimidated me. I wasn’t going to question whether it would fit me — I knew it would — but there would be pain like he said, and I still wasn’t sure what to expect. I wished I knew so I could prepare — and I realized then what Kazu meant, why this would be important to take care of now before going on the mission.

“Hey, Kazu?”

He stilled immediately, gaze snapping to mine.

“Um, thanks.” I shifted with unease underneath him, not because of his weight on me — which actually felt surprisingly good — or with pressure about what we were about to do, but because of what I said, what I needed to say to him. “For doing this. I know it’s not something you wanted, and I just…what I’m trying to say, I just —“

“Embyrlyn,” he said in a voice just above a whisper. “Shut up.”

And before I could say anything, before I could even react, he kissed me.

My hands found his face, touching the sharp cheeks, molding myself to him in any way I could. Slowly, he eased himself inside of me, only an inch. But it was enough to start stretching me. I tensed, but Kazu hissed, like he felt some sort of pain.

“Are you…are you okay?” I asked.

He blinked. “You’re asking me?” he asked, not bothering to mask his surprise.

“You…you made a noise…”

The corner of Kazu’s lips twitched and his dark eyes sparkled. “Because it feels good for me,” he said. “Becauseyoufeel good.”

“Oh.” My cheeks pinched with my blush, but another surge coursed through me, one that caused the muscles in my body to relax slightly.

Kazu pushed in even more, but he was going slow. There was another sharp pain but it wasn’t as bad as the first. Something must have shown on my face because Kazu paused. His eyes were inscrutable. I might have been offended by his inability to let his guard down, even during a vulnerable moment like this, but I was growing used to the fact that this was just who he was.

“You can…I’m ready.”

He nodded, pushing even further. His teeth gnashed together, fangs elongating slightly. My core throbbed at the mere sight of the masculine gesture, and my arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him even closer, pushing him even deeper —
