Page 65 of Blood & Bonds

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She was already gone. If she was smart, she’d step into the stream, rinse his scent off of her. Then again, the thought of her doing that made him furious.

Because he wanted everyone to know he was all over her.

That she belonged…

He clenched his teeth.


He fucked up.

Heneverfucked up.

But he had. With this weak, inexperienced virgin.

How the fuck could he let this happen? How could he lose control?

How could he mark her?

Well, you know what they say about fated mates?

Kazu bristled at the thought. He didn’t believe in that shit. Refused to. Because he was thirty-five and hadn’t found his fucking mate.

Until now.

You marked her.


You’re fucked.

Kazu punched the nearest tree, ignoring the pain that shot in his knuckles, the way the rough bark pressed into his skin.

Maybe…maybe he could salvage this. If she didn’t know…If she didn’t find out…

But he knew that was impossible.

He marked her, and there were consequences for that. And Kazu was a man. He’d suffer them, whatever they were.

For now, he needed to stay away from her before he was tempted to do something he might regret. He just hoped he had it in him to stay away…especially now that she officially belonged to him.



Lots of it.

It was the only thing that would drown out the memory of her lips on his, on the sounds that came out of her mouth when he kissed her.

It wasn’t enough.

It would never be enough.

The second he emerged from the brothel, the cold, December air slapped his skin, probably in revenge for what he had done. And he deserved it too. He just left her there, and yet, he didn’t trust himself to go back there. Didn’t trust himself to be around her.

What the hell?

Matthyw took a sharp left and headed down a small alley that led him to the back entrance of a tavern. Stepping inside, he was overwhelmed with the heat that filled the inside of the room, his cheeks already flushing. He needed a drink, and he needed one fast. He slipped down a narrow hallway, nearly running into a bar wench, who, upon seeing him, threw her hands up and stumbled out of the way. Matthyw knew he had a reputation, even in a small, human village, and while he meant no ill-will towards the woman, he was glad she was aware enough to get out of his path.
