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That startled a laugh out of her, and Autumn relaxed a little, leaning back so she wasn’t perched as if prepared for flight.

“No, though my friend offered to kneecap him. It wasn’t…he wasn’t abusive. Not in the way you’re imagining.”

“And what do you think I’m imagining?” he asked.

“That I asked a boyfriend to top me and he beat me instead.” She fiddled with the hem of the jacket. “It’s not quite that linear.”

“Help me understand.”

Autumn glanced at him from behind her lashes and Daniel’s gut tightened.

“I’m still the asshole,” she warned. “And I’m a hypocrite.”

“No, I don’t think you are. Do you think the other subs are stupid?”

She raised a brow. “Of course not.”

“And Pet. Do you hate her? Think she’s a worthless person.”

“No, but I want to shake her. Beg her to stop letting herself be treated like a pet. To stand up and not be…”

“Weak?” he asked, using her word.

She nodded.

“You want her to change her relationship with Master Carter. Want her to quit the 24/7 lifestyle.”



“Because it’s…because he’ll…” She stammered to a stop.

“Autumn, would you look at me?” He’d been very careful to make that a request and not an order. When she did met his gaze, he held it for a moment before asking the next question. “Are you angry at Pet because of how she submits…or are you scared for her?”

Autumn sucked in air. Her throat worked and then she bit her lip.

Crap, she was about to cry. Daniel shifted, prepared to get up on his knees and hug her, but stopped himself. Every muscle in his body was tense with the need to comfort her. To protect her.

He always felt at least a little protective of his sub partner. This feeling was something different—a magnitude more than what he’d felt for any other sub.

She was attracted to him. He was attracted to her. Now it was out in the open—a blatant acknowledgement of a romantic attraction, in a place where romance took a back seat to kink.

If they had met in that hypothetical bar he would have left with at the very least her number. At best, with her.

Taken her back to his place for hot passionate sex, and then in the morning, instead of awkward weirdness, they would have ordered in brunch and talked, getting to know one another better before once more falling into bed.

At some point he’d tell her his life story, and then later, when he told her about his sexual needs she’d put two and two together, figure out it equaled ‘fucked up’, and be gone from his life.

Daniel forced himself to settle back on the blanket, then unclenched his jaw, not wanting to telegraph anger that she might think was directed at her.

“You’re right. I’m…scared for her. I’m terrified for all of us.” She put one hand over her face, the other wrapped across her middle. “I hadn’t realized, until you asked, but you’re right. It’s fear.” Raising her head, she wiped away a tear with the sleeve of his coat, and let out a watery laugh. “I guess that’s what I get for not letting myself think about it.”

“You’re not an asshole,” he murmured, aching with the need to hold her.

Another tear fell, and she wiped it away again, then frowned at his sleeve. “I’ll have this cleaned for you.”

“I don’t care about the jacket.”

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