Page 119 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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“Enough,” Molev called.“We’ll start again tomorrow.Expect a full day.”

I internally cringed, but thoughts of the next day faded as I made my way to our rides.My somber expression was reflected in everyone else’s.When I sat next to Katie, she took my hand.

“I need this time to be different,” she said softly.

I looked at Waurlyn in the lead vehicle and hoped it would be.

We didn’t talk once we were in the air, but we all watched our approach.The fence around the perimeter had been fortified on the inside with big blocks, which were probably the only reason the fence was still standing.The number of people outside of it had doubled since the previous day, and the crowd looked even angrier.

Waurlyn broke our silence as we began to set down.

“Your family will come out of the building to the right to load into the aircraft.Due to the size of the crowd, I’m afraid you won’t have much time to say goodbye.We want to get them in the air before the people outside have a chance to breach the fence.They’re unlikely to do that once the plane is in the air.”

I nodded my understanding with the rest and looked toward the building.We’d barely set down when the doors opened.People spilled out, hurrying toward us.I saw Rachel with Zion in her arms and started running toward them the second my feet touched the ground.

“You did it,” she said, opening one arm to wrap me in a hug with Zion in the middle.

“We don’t have a lot of time.They’re worried about the crowd.Get him on the plane, Rachel.”I gave my nephew several quick kisses on his cheek.“Auntie Andie loves you to the moon and back, Zion.Never forget that.”

I released her and hurried with them toward the plane.

“Zion, baby, you’re going with Allison now, okay?”she said.Zion looked up at her then at the teen girl who was standing close.“She’s going to take you to see Daddy.”

Zion looked like he was two seconds from a complete meltdown.I yanked him from Rachel’s arms and shoved him at the girl.He started to flail as Allison reached for him.

“Hold him tight,” I said.

A soldier helped her into the plane with the wailing child.Rachel stood beside me, watching her son leave.

I saw another younger girl helping a boy that I assumed was Katie’s brother.

Holding onto Rachel, I shuffled us back as the door closed.The sounds of the engines and the crowds weren’t enough to drown out the first of her heart-wrenching sobs.She shook against me as guards herded us farther away while the plane started to taxi into position.

“We need to talk to them,” Waurlyn shouted.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw she was speaking to Molev, not that he was listening.He was watching me and Rachel, an almost angry look in his eyes.

“Come on,” I said to Rachel.

Towing her with me, I went to Molev.

“Waurlyn’s right,” I said.“Too many people will be hurt if the crowd gets inside.”

His gaze flicked between Rachel and the plane before he nodded, spun around, and swept Waurlyn up into his arms.She gave a startled squawk that silenced when he ran and jumped to the top of our helicopter.


“Do you want the truth?”Molev yelled, his voice carrying over the crowd.

Their volume fell a little.

“Do you want to know what’s happening on the other side of those mountains?”he asked.

It got a little quieter yet.

“Do you want to know how to save your children and yourselves?”

The crowd’s anger shifted.They no longer randomly yelled but actually responded with “yes” to his question.
