Page 163 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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Molev’s appearance drew everyone’s attention as we crossed the room.Work and conversation stopped as Waurlyn used her ID again to open the doors.

The doctor sat on a chair in the large, open space just inside the doors.A camera was set up nearby and aimed at one of the three “glass” enclosed rooms to the left.

Only one room was occupied, and I couldn’t speak as I looked at the woman on the bed.She panted heavily, shaking and twitching in her bra and underwear.Patches of mottled grey covered the otherwise pale skin of her stomach and legs.

The doctor looked up at us at the sound of the door.When she saw Molev, she stood swiftly.

“Are you all right?Are you feeling—”

The way he abruptly raised his hand made her flinch.

“He’s not threatening you,” I said quickly, seeing how he was staring at the woman.“Tell us what’s happening.”

The doctor looked at the woman.

“This is Sara.We injected her with the latest trial serum thirty-six hours ago.The grey discoloration occurred during the previous trials, we’re not sure why that’s happening.What we injected shouldn’t—”

The woman opened her eyes and started babbling, begging to make it stop between sobbed moans.She curled onto her side, holding her middle.

Molev set his hand on the glass.He radiated anger, unlike anything I’d previously witnessed.And I’d seen plenty.

“Open the door,” he said.

“I’m sorry, Molev,” the doctor said.“There’s nothing we can do for her.She’s already exhibiting signs of infection.Look at her eye.”

I moved closer to the glass, partially stepping in front of Molev to get a better view.The woman immediately stilled.In a blink, she was standing in front of me with one slightly cloudy eye, staring at me.

“Remarkable,” the doctor said.“We haven’t had this type of response in previous trials.”

The woman swayed slightly as she studied me.

“Death is nature,” she said.“There is no escaping it.”

She jerked violently and vomited blood all over the glass.Her gaze tore from mine, and she started to cry again.Pink tears came from one of her eyes.

“Make it stop,” she begged, looking at us again.“Kill me.Please.”

I saw familiar flecks of sandy-yellow in her irises, and as I watched, her pupil elongated at the bottom.She cried out again, grabbing her head as a bloody tear trailed down her cheek.

“Open the door,” Molev ordered.

“We can’t risk spreading the infection, Molev,” Waurlyn said.

Molev turned to her, showing all the anger he felt.

“Do not allow her to die alone.”

She wasn’t deaf to the threat in his words.

“Okay,” Waurlyn said quickly.“The three of us will wait in the lab and unlock this door for you remotely.However, to protect everyone in the lab, we cannot open these doors again until the infection runs its course.”

He didn’t answer.Instead, he crouched with Sara as she slowly crumpled.

Waurlyn grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him.He didn’t look up as we left or when the doctor closed the door behind us.She went to the panel and tapped a few more buttons.Then she went to a workstation and turned a monitor around so the rest of us could see Molev crouched in front of the woman.

When Sara’s door light blinked green, he entered.She flew at him, biting his neck.He wrapped his arms around her like her bite had been a hug and held her as she vomited again.This time on him.

He sat on the bed, cradling her as she shook and twitched and occasionally tried to bite him.His anguish at her suffering was clearly visible to anyone with eyes.
