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She held steady for a moment before lowering her firearm halfway.I knew that was as much of a compromise as she would give and glanced at the creature to see if it was enough.Since he was watching me again, I figured it was.

“Why did you follow us?”I asked, going for direct but keeping my tone friendly.

“To learn more about you.”

His yellow-green gaze swept over my face.It was as intense as before, but this time, I watched for signs of any interest in me like Kevin had mentioned.I didn’t see it.

His group already had a woman with them, so I knew he had at least some knowledge of humans.Before I could ask what specifically he wanted to learn, Roni snorted.

“I bet.Why send the undead after us, then?”she demanded.

His stoic expression didn’t change as his gaze shifted to her.

“Undead?You mean the stupid humans?The undead?”

“Yes.Those.”Impatience laced her tone.

He tilted his head and studied her for a moment, and I started to worry she might be pushing things too far.

“Are you a female?”His low tone didn’t convey any emotion, but something about the slow way he asked his question made me think he was surprised.

“Does it matter if I am?”she countered.

He blinked at her.Not a general blink that we all were doing this whole time but a slow intentional one that a person might do when confronted with a bad smell or a punch to the nose.Only without the wince that usually went with it.

Roni caught it, and her gaze narrowed.

“Yes, she’s female,” I said quickly.

“You were there at the fence in Parsons,” he said, still scrutinizing her.

“We both were,” I said, reclaiming his attention.

“You were spared.She was hurt,” he said.

Again, I couldn’t quite tell his emotion behind those comments or decipher his meaning.Was it a good thing I wasn’t hurt and she was?I wanted to ask but didn’t want to damage an already fragile start to communicating with him.

“She’s tougher than most of the men,” I said.“And fine now, but we’d both prefer if you didn’t knock us unconscious.”

His gaze shifted to her again.“I will not harm you.”

“Then, why are you here?What do you want?”Roni asked.

“Want?”His gaze shifted to me then back to her.He crossed his arms, making his biceps bulge under the meager confines of his once-white cotton shirt.“Explain what you mean.”

Anger radiated off of Roni.“I mean, why are you—”

I set my hand on Roni’s arm, and she immediately stopped and took a calming breath.We both wanted the same answers, and she knew that.Just as we both knew she was a hothead, and that wasn’t what this situation needed.

The creature’s eyes shifted to me.

“My name’s Andie,” I said, trying another approach.“What’s your name?”

“Molev.Do you lead the others, Andie?”he asked, his voice a deep rumble.

Lead the others?Is that what he wanted?To learn who our leader was?

Ignoring his question, I tried to find the answer to a more important one.
