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“I’m glad you’re talking to us, Molev.We’d like to learn more about you, too.Are you alone, or did some of the others come with you?”

A sudden, distant shot rang out.I partially crouched and brought up my weapon as I glanced in that direction.From the corner of my eye, I saw Roni do the same.

Down the way, I saw two figures moving near the railcars.

“All clear,” came Cody’s voice over the walkie.“One undead, but no sign of any greys.”

I glanced at Molev, but he wasn’t there.He wasn’t anywhere that I could see.

“Where’d he go?”I asked, looking at Roni.

She shook her head and continued to scan the railcars.I searched in and around our Humvee.

Molev was gone, and I didn’t like how quickly and silently he’d left.

“Roni?”Cody asked again.

“Here,” she said.“We’re coming for you.”

I hurried to the driver’s seat and took off as soon as Roni was in.Attention split between the field in front of us and the railcars behind us, I almost missed the movement in my mirror.

“Top of the railcar,” I said.

“I see him,” Roni said.

Molev’s bulk stood outlined against the cloudy sky.Impossibly broad shoulders turned toward us, he observed our retreat then disappeared off the other side.


“The fuckers are toying with us,”Roni said.

“Fuckers?You think there’s more than just the one then?”

“Why else would he show himself like that and disappear right after you asked?They’re going to isolate us and pick us off, one at a time.”

“Does that make sense, though?You saw how quickly they took us out last time.If there were a group of them, wouldn’t they have just attacked?”

“Not if they don’t want us to know how many there are.That one waited to show up until Roland and Cody were almost out of sight.That shows premeditative intelligence.They’re in this for the long game.”

“And we need to figure out what that long game is,” I said more to myself than Roni.

While she’d made valid points, I couldn’t help but think of another angle.We’d left Irwin with the orders to do whatever it took to discover the greys’ plans and to figure out what it would take to stop them.What if that was why he’d left his group?What if he was the scout learning whatever he could about us?Discovering how many of us were left and what it would take to kill the rest?

That thought was just as scary as Roni’s.

Cody and Roland had already moved a healthy distance from the railcars when I stopped for them.

“What happened?”Cody asked as soon as he got in.

“We definitely have a tail,” Roni said.“He said he wants to learn more about us and asked who our leader was.He disappeared when we heard your gunfire.”

Circling toward the gate, I checked the mirrors again and wondered what the creature’s next move would be.So far, he’d hung back to observe, following at enough of a distance that we hadn’t spotted him.But for how long?After decimating our numbers for five weeks, his kind had to have already figured out our weaknesses.

I thought over the two scenarios.Either there were more of them and they were preparing to spring a trap, or he was a lone scout learning more.Which was it?Was there another angle we hadn’t yet considered?If only Cody and Roland hadn’t fired that shot.What else could we have learned?

Patrick was just inside the gate, waiting for us when we returned.

“There were two piles,” Roland said once we’d moved away from everyone else.“The one in the trees to the east and another by the railcars to the south.”He looked at Roni and me.

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