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Patiently, I untangled myself one finger at a time.

“He’s like flypaper,” Roni said, watching me.

“I should have just knelt on his arm like Patrick did.”

“Why didn’t you?”

I nodded to the row of stitches.“I don’t think that’s fully healed yet and didn’t want to bust it open.”

“Smart thinking.The gunshot is bad enough.Not sure taking out the bullet and giving him something to eat and drink will make things even.”

“Would it make things even for you?”I asked.

“Nope.Hopefully, Patrick has a better olive branch than food and water up his sleeve.”

He didn’t.He returned with a massive set of chains and a heavy-duty padlock along with the promised food and water.

Did I feel bad watching Patrick and Roland chain the grey’s arms behind his back?Not really.I’d seen what he could do and felt better knowing he couldn’t easily grab anyone’s head once he was awake.Because I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be happy once he came to.I wouldn’t be either.

While he rested in the MRAP with the door open and Roland on guard, we waited for the others to finish their sweep of the stone yard.Patrick was quiet, watching the grey and looking off in the direction of the base.

It didn’t take too long for Cody and Tom to return.They reported that they’d safely delivered Evan, who needed more attention than the medic in Vance could provide.

“What about him?”Cody asked with a nod at Molev.

“Bullet’s out, and he already stopped bleeding,” Roni said.

“What’s our next move?”Tom asked.

We all looked at Patrick.

“We move out and keep it random.If there are more of them, hopefully, they follow us.If not, we’re still relocating a possible threat to Vance until they can evacuate.”

“Incoming,” William called from his roost.“Everyone’s accounted for.”

“But this is what we need, right?”Tom asked.“We’re heading back to Irwin?”

“No.We assess, report, and wait for orders,” Patrick replied.

Fifteen minutes later, we were driving south.My MRAP was in the middle of the convoy.Roland rode in back with the grey, and Kevin sat next to me.We made good time, putting some decent miles between us and Vance before the first roadblock.

The Stryker cleared it easily enough, so we didn’t need to stop.The undead only threw themselves at our vehicles with more determination.The splatter effect was impressively disgusting, and my wipers ran continuously for the next mile.Bits of goo dried to the edges of the windshield just out of reach of the blades.

“I think we have another clinger,” Jackson said over the walkie.“Last vehicle again.”

“We don’t see a trail,” Brandon said.“Scratch that.It just started.”

“We’re stopping fast,” Patrick said a second before brake lights went on ahead of me.

Kevin turned in his seat, watching the grey as I stopped.

We couldn’t hear anything over the idling of the engine, but I saw Jackson’s door open.A second later, a smattering of gunfire rang out.I checked the mirror and saw Jackson on the pavement and Steve standing there with his weapon still up.He only stayed like that for a second before pivoting and making his way to the final MRAP.

Three more shots echoed.Then he jogged to the Humvee, stepping over Jackson, and got in behind the wheel.

His voice came over the radio.

“We need to do a full sweep.There was a small one under our Humvee.It got Jackson.”
